What exactly was the issue with the area again?

What exactly was the issue with the area again?
Any Forums kept making it out like it would be one of the worst thing FROM has ever created, but I just explored all of it and frankly I thought it was a fine area, good even.
Cool world bosses, good rewards, some of the best caves in the game, the snow theme was cool.
Sure reused enemies but that's hardly enough to make it into a bad area.

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>oh look rats
>oh look vulgar midgets
>oh look carian spider hands
>oh look Caelid dogs
>oh look Caelid crows
>oh look wolnirs
>oh look deathbirds
>oh look heroes of Zamor
>oh look another dragon
>oh look a leonine with radagons sword for reasons
>oh look prawns
>oh look krakens
>oh look astel

Its kind of a letdown, just a flat field with only few actual places of interest and very devoid of content. Its also bit of a let down there is hardly anything new to fight in a new kind of biome entirely.
Pretty much the worst area in the game.

What's wrong with any of those enemies though?


shazamdiscord damage control soo soon ?

The issue is that the capital is by and large the best area of the game and also, frankly, one of the best of any souls game. They finally fucking delivered on a coherent, well routed city that feels lived in.
And then you go to not one, but two, big fucking open empty snow areas with nothing interesting in them besides a single small castle.

It would be fine if I could actually see

I think Mountaintop and snowfield can be counted as one level.
Combined they have the content of one

>Need too kill Commander Niall to unlock the snowfield
>Said fuck that and just jumped off a cliff
>Rezzed at Stake of Marika in the snowfield

Suck my dick, Niall.

I just got to the dragon/tornado area and its a pretty cool dungeon. Shame that i haven't seen a single new enemy type, and the only boss i've fought so far is godskin duo (first try n00bs) and I can see one of those havel tree sentinal niggas in the distance. such a shame, all that effort put into a cool as fuck environment and all i can think is "fuck this is so lazy"

I loved it, one of my favorite areas.
But lost Izalith was my favorite area in DS1 so take what I say with that in mind.

Genuinely, is there an area that you think is worse? Cause thats all Im saying, I liked pretty much every area in the game, Concentraed Snowfield was just kinda meh and I ran through the content pretty fast.

the only problem I had with that location is that fog conceals everything that is 1cm from you at the start ruining the exploring.

Thats only in the first quarter of the area though

It just pissed me off that they reused a great boss from a long as fuck questline that was supposed to be some kind of slumbering god, and there's just *another one* in a fucking random cave in this snowfield.

>get out of starting dungeon to explore new area
>immediately thrown into a blizzard
>follow the lights out of the storm
>it's just an empty valley
>decide to explore a bit
>Electric balls prevent me from exploring one area of the map
>Decide to skip, get forced off my horse to do an invasion
>Damage sponge bear decides fuck with me while I wait for the invader
>After dying, decide to go the village on the map
>Invisible niggas and aimbot archers grief that area too
>Decide to go see what the walking tower has
>It begins mortaring the entire area with fps-killing projectiles
Skip this bullshit area. Just beeline straight for the Haligtree.

Yeah I've no idea, after reading Any Forums horror stories I thought I'd hate it but it was fairly enjoyable to me, the only part that's ass is the zone with constant snowstorm, maybe upgrade your weapon before going to an endgame zone next time?

why are they in the snow mountains

>All these pussies annoyed by a little fog
Is the idea of danger from sight not fun to play with? You're acting like they throw something egregious at you that isn't solved with caution, the absolute worst is a runebear

>Octopus are hilariously weak to ice
>Find a shitload of them in the snowfield.
You don't see the problem???

There are at least 4 types of beastman in Farum Azula and only one variant appears outside as a miniboss. The beastman skeletons are also exclusive to the area

You are either baiting or didn't play the game

Its just generic snow fields like Skyrim. Everyone already forgot about this area

The randoms Astels pelting you with rocks in the underground cities didn't tip you off that Astel was never supposed to be a one-of-a-kind monster?

by new enemy TYPE i mean a completely new enemy. not a reskin.

>moving goalposts
concession accepted.

The octopus enemies are easy as fuck either way but I get what you're saying, kinda makes sense for them to be there though since they are around the frozen river area

Imagine being so mentally ill that even after your game sells millions you STILL think all criticism of its worst parts comes from some discord conspiracy.

You morons won't be happy until nobody is allowed to even mildly dislike anything about Elden Ring. Complete mental derangement.

The point is that Astel was supposed to be the big bad boss version of those cunts, having him show up again in some random cave on the other side of the map kind of ruins that.
He's supposed to be the fallen cosmos horror that all of those enemies (including the fallingstar beasts) are an offshoot of.

>persecution syndrome

it's a shazamtranny alright


Weren't the spiderhands in the mountaintop of the giants? The actual ok snow area?

No, that's not the point of Astel at all. Astel is a species, and they are more or less the equivalent of Amygdala in ER setting.

If you're going to seethe about that, might as well cry yourself to sleep over Defiled Amygdala

You're developing early-onset dementia over a videogame dude. Elden Ring is an insanely successful and acclaimed game and yet you are still so insecure that you start seething about le ebil shazam discord when someone simply says "consecrated snowfield is bad". Total mental illness.

>One area has more enemy variety than certain entire games

Only actual contrarians think "snowfield 2" is good. It could have been neat and atmospheric with some spooks and weirder shit, but instead it was just abhorrent and complete dogshit. People might be equating the good aspects to the mountaintop of the giants

The snowfield was blatantly designed by the dark souls 2 faggot. It’s too full of inconsistent enemy types and shit content for it not to be the case.

The area isn't bad either, you're being retarded