Why is he so flawless?

Why is he so flawless?

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I want him to Lui my Kang if you catch my drift

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>The Scorpion and Reptile fights were added as an afterthought and he personally coordinated those fight scenes himself
>They were the best fights in the movie by a fucking mile

>movie manages to be the best one even with the handicap of having to avoid an R rating
why can't modern day MK get their heads out of their butts

It's that haircut. It's a beautiful head of hair.

So why did MK 11 make Kitana Asian?

My read on Edenians was that they were always vaguely Persian. Also Kitana being Asian makes no biological sense because they didn't race change either of her parents.

The chick that played Kitana in the movie was a good look for her.

Unironically my ideal body

Beautiful flawless man

Anaons if I start working out will I make it?

You can achieve the body, but you'lll never achieve that beautiful hair.

I'm not white or Asian. I already have thick head of hair.

this man, my receding hairline sucks!!!!!

I would marry a female version of him

i feel that

for an asian dude he looks kinda white

>goes ahead and does the crazy bicycle wachacha kick even knowing how cheesy it looks
He "waaaaaargh"'ed too many times in the reptile fight, but otherwise nothing but respect.

That's the compliment every asian person wants to hear.

I have this body but my chest is small. White btw

he literally looks yellow there

he looks like a girl desu

This man should have became a household name. There's definitely a few actors in the first movie that don't get enough credit.

Truth. He's a household name in my household at least. Him, and Cary Tagawa.