Why are you maidenless, Any Forums?

Why are you maidenless, Any Forums?

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i hate women

waiting for my a2 robot gf which hasn't been made yet

I'm in love with myself and I can't stand other people

im not maidenless, western society is. its time to swallow the 12 year old shithole bride for a dowry pill


Because some fat ugly bastard turned my maiden into a sex slave

Attached: finger_maiden_therolina_puppet_elden_ring_wiki_guide_200px.png (200x200, 17.21K)

Because I'm married, By definition she's no longer technically a maiden.

Insecurity from a young age

I'm more after a charming Empyrean, you know what I mean?

Holy based


me too

yeah i can't find anyone who shares my interests and my town is small so the dry lake isn't even a puddle anymore

you just know she rims torrent

I'm orphaned by the teenage loves I never had
I don't blame anyone but myself
I wouldn't know what to do or how to behave
All I can hope for is a good death

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I'm comfortable being single atm. I wouldn't mind being in a relationship, but i've seen them go a lot of different ways-so for the time being, im just gonna focus on self-improvement and knowledge building. When I meet someone I'm interested in after all that, i'll be in a better spot overall.

i was offered an Accord when i wanted a Civic

Am I? My partner is FtM

I enjoy solitude
but at the same time, I crave the lustful desires

Now that's some literal boypussy.

Attached: carlos.png (425x282, 146.82K)

But I’m not, pic related is my maiden

Attached: 48AE1FE6-9378-45AC-82FC-4FBBECE86612.jpg (700x415, 199.97K)

I don't really put myself out there. I go to work, go home, play vidya and shitpost, rinse and repeat

I want to fuck my mimic tear. I’m only attracted to guys who look like me.