Do big fans of demons/dark souls like elden ring?

As it has been since Das2, I've avoided Any Forums as well as other game discussion forums since a new fromsoft release came out. I usually beat the games fairly quickly and then come discuss them later. However elden ring has taken me over a month not because the game is long but because I simply havent been assed to play it most of the time
So, do long-time fans of souls like elden ring? I personally really do not because the open world takes up over half the playtime yet plays nothing like I expect a souls game to be like. I know elden ring is very popular so I have to assume all the diehard fans havent really played souls before?

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i started with DS1, and this game feels like DS1 on steroids to me. haven't been playing much else since it released

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Started with Demon's intl version. I put a couple hundred hours into this game, and made a few characters. It was at least more interesting to play than the Dark Souls sequels if nothing else. Is it a great game? I don't really know. It is heavily, heavily flawed in ways games like Bloodborne and Demon's and Sekiro aren't.

Started with DeS when it got a western release, played all of the games, most of them in order. ER is okay, but it really doesn't do anything I haven't seen so many times before. I also cannot fathom how some people claim it does the open world aspect even well, let alone 'the best of all time', it barely makes any use out of it outside of a couple standout moments (which all happen early on). In general the open world was a mistake.

I played day one DeS and all the other games day 1. I am going to beat it and never play it again. The open world kills it for me. I like to play coop and coop in this game sucks. It has it's moments, but the moments are too far and few for me.

Started with 1, played all of them.
I have some gripes with the game however the good far, far fucking outweighs the bad.

I like it. I don't love it. I think it's a weaker entry into the From series, but I'll still probably play it once more.

it’s good but not mind blowing. I don’t particularly like any of the bosses and the fact that they repeat constantly really hurts the game. but the new features like ashes of war and horse riding are genuinely quite good. if an ER2 releases I’ll definitely buy it

Dark Souls is my favorite Fromsoftware game and I really enjoyed Elden Ring. Finished it three times already and have done all there is to do in the game at this point.
While some smaller dungeons and catacombs and whatnot are phoned in, most aren't, and some of the smaller optional stuff has been really great.
Meanwhile, the larger dungeons are for the most part great. Stormveil, Liurnia, Leyndell, Mt. Gelmir and Elphael I enjoyed very much.
The open-world is overall a benefit in my opinion. It establishes a great sense of scale which I felt was lacking in DS2 and DS3. The world is coherent and surprisingly very interconnected for being an open-world game. It also makes great use of its verticality with its sprawling caves.
Something which I rarely see people bring up is how creatively it uses fast-travel at times, in the form of waygates. You get teleported to a far-off area where you don't know shit about what's happening.
Getting out of the Caelid Cave, getting teleported to the capital, as well as Farum Azula, were genuinely really memorable experiences and made the game better in my opinion. Fast-travel isn't simply lazily used as tool to get around but is also used to inspire awe in its players and to further emphasize the scale of the world and what awaits you later.
The lore and mythos are great as well.

Now, would I have enjoyed a game in the vein of Dark Souls or Bloodborne more? Maybe, but I'm still happy this game exists. All of Fromsoftware's games are good in their own ways, even though their non-numbered titles are better

DeS on fat ps3 was my first. ER has absolute shit pacing, with some of the best and worst moments in the series.
- some great boss fights
- late game areas actually challenging
- some great npc quests
- unique weapons
- map completely ruins exploration
- recycled catacombs
- garbage platforming
- trash first half boring as shit

I agree with this. It may not be my favorite by far, but it's a cool mix up. I already have the other games to play if I'm not feeling like an open world adventure.

I do hope it's not all they do going forward, but Sekiro gives me faith that they're willing to continue mixing it up.

Sekiro 2 must already be in development, it would not surprise me in the slightest. One of the endings makes it very easy to develop a story for the sequel and the first one was a huge success for them.
We will definitely see more open-world games from Fromsoftware because of Elden Ring's insane sales numbers but it's not viable for a studio of their size to only develop games like that, which is why we're getting a new Armored Core soon.

Elden Ring is a great game that fills a niche few other games do but it still has its fair share of problems. I can say exactly the same for DeS, DaS1, and BB, and I love those games. DaS2 had enough problems that I don't even like it. Never bothered with DaS3 because it was B-team developed and I expected another DaS2 (I'll get around to it eventually though).

Started with DS1.
>Did I like it.
I think it's a good game, but not a great one. Would put it right above DS2 in terms of From souls games.
The open world feels to padded and inconvenient and the game shines in the legacy dungeons. The bosses are poorly balanced, and there's far too many rehash/same-y fights.
The game gets carried by it's art direction, but that's really the highlight. Don't get why people think it's the best open world in gaming, because outside of the world design; it's pretty fucking bad.
It's like an 8/10 game.

>because outside of the world design; it's pretty fucking bad
>8/10 game
kek what did he mean by this

He's implying that the open-world is bad not the game

Started with DaS1 and honestly ER is fine but it did not deserve the soaring reviews it got. The open world novelty wears off at a steady pace when you realize all your exploring will culminate in finding copy pasted mines/catacombs/caves to fight a normal enemy turned into a boss for an item you will likely never use. The world has some breathe taking vistas but fails to take advantage of the open world. The world of ER is dead and empty just like DaS only now you have to traverse huge fields. There is no meaningful way to interact with the world at all because there are no towns/settlements or NPCs outside the Round Table, so near the mid point of the game the world just felt like one big arena.

I personally had better hopes for ER, I genuinely wanted it to be From's answer to the "RPG" part of ARPG like Sekiro was their attempt at the "Action" part of ARPG. But instead it's a derivative copy paste of Dark Souls in every sense of the word but now you get to ride a horse everywhere. Aside from the new locations you visit, nothing about the game feels original (if that makes sense to you). The thing about the open world as well is that though they did a superb job with the vistas and the sense of scale to them, it's fun seeing it one time and then that's it. Repeat playthroughs don't really have any appeal to me the way DaS1 or DeS did. Personally it's a 7/10 for me but if someone likes it more I won't hold it against them.

I've been a fan of From since the PS1 era. Elden Ring is their best game and really feels like the game they've wanted to make all this time.

>loved des one of my favorite games ever when it came out
>hated the interconnected world of ds1 so never beat it
>ds2 and 3 were the same so I never beat those either
elden ring was ok. better than ds1-3 for me at least. I'd still rather go back to nexus/archstone style of des though.

Started with DeS.
I'm growing tired of Soulsborne. I think jumping is a good addition that adds a bit to combat and exploration, but it's still feels too much like every other Souls. There is more variety between certain Guilty Gear characters than there is between the entire Soulsborne lineup.
Also open world doesn't do it for me and dungeons feel worse than previous games (probably to focus resources on the open world and mushroom placement)

This is what I meant. Didn't think it was hard to see. The game itself is good, but the open world is not (outside of great art direction)

Ive played all of them, I think Sekiro and Bloodborne are the overall better games but the amount of cool good stuff in elden ring is far more numerous than the bad. Definetely worth a playthrough or two