What was the best zone in wow?

What was the best zone in wow?

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the uninstall wizard

The uninstall zone

Uninstall mind

vanilla - elwynn forest or duskwood, honorary mention for STV
tbc - eversong or nagrand

Elwynn Forest, Winterspring, Azshara, Un'Goro Crater, The Hinterlands

Appearance/wonder wise?
>Hellfire Peninsula
>Grizzly Hills
>Thunder Isle
>Shadowmoon Valley
And that's when I stopped playing.


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westfall, sue me.

Frostfire Ridge
Spires of Arak
Hellfire Peninsula

Rest are mid
WoTLK had no good zones


Stranglethorn best zone

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Gizzly Hills

I am completely honest when I say Jade Forest.
>shit tons of great quests, with either their own mechanics, interesting stories, interesting lore or just introducing the player much more well than any other expac into the new continent
>S-tier OST (underrated kino like youtube.com/watch?v=i8hSO1EQ9aE springs to mind) that greatly supplements the atmosphere
>tons of secrets, nicely hidden quests or random events, serpent rider questline (probably the coolest mount in the game), and so on
>And last but not least, Timeless Isle which is the previous but magnified to hell and back. Too bad the entire premise build-up of it was wasted on Warlords of Draenor.

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>the blandest zone in the game with annoying music and a terrible storyline is the best because that's when I started playing WoW
Wrathbabies have no taste

Also did I forget to say that the zone is not only big, but full, varied and beautiful? It's just very nice to look at, and the way you go about your adventure you really get to see it all, even when the Sha gets in and the yangol start burning shit.

fun fact, Jeremy Soule helped compose some of the OST for MoP

It's good but drags out past its welcome


Vanilla - Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, Winterspring

TBC - Eversong Woods, Zangarmarsh, Nagrand

Wrath - Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, Sholazar Basin

WoW is 18 years this year

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