Now imagine an elden ring game but in middle earth

now imagine an elden ring game but in middle earth
would be cool right

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Other urls found in this thread:

tokien is boring

Wouldn't work. You can't have a Soulsgame in a consistent, detailed and non-destroyed world.

tolkien is a hack fraud

>would be cool right

Attached: lotr for tv.jpg (1015x800, 132.8K)

Soulsshit fails to capture ANY of the things that make lord of the rings great. Generic post apoc SHIT, this fucking kusoge is the polar opposite of the hope and sense of wonder tolkien is conveying. you probably haven't even read lord of the rings just watched peter jacksons awful adaptation

doesn't take much for Fromshitters to reveal their awful taste

They made it and it was terrible

>*reads your inputs*

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Literally every Souls game + Elden Ring is just Tolkien with Berserk references.

but Tolkien's settings dont work with souls games

now imagine an elden ring game but good

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>fuckin' oath
>sick cunt
Elden ring players are Australian?

>he doesnt know zanzibarts VA is australian

maybe if they actually re-added cut content to the PC version, without it the game is laughably small. The base game is more akin to a tech demo for Bitterblack Isle

No they aren't. They are diametrically opposed to everything Tolkien wrote about or valued. So is Miyazaki himself.

Wouldn’t work. Tolkien work is about a class of cultures while Souls games are more man vs nature/god. The LotR is too latge scale of a conflict to be properly integrated into the Fromsoft game formula

>would be cool right
No since Miyazaki is an edgy atheist retard that will NEVER be able to understand religion, he even made buddhism evil in Sekiro, he'd make Sauron some tragic hero and unshackling Morgoth from the void an "ambiguous" ending.

cool it Tolkien, go back to seething in your grave. let the real writers take charge

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I can't believe I didn't notice

Hey, it's the manchild that was so angry he lost an award to JK Rowling in 2001 he made his ugly female knight beat two knights with names similar to Harry Potter, that's the level of maturity we're dealing with here.

>consistent, detailed and non-destroyed world.
the world was fucked up by Melkor until all the earlier unique works of art were gone and all that remained was half-arsed compromises and good-enoughs.

I would rather have a brand new setting/universe, I like Tolkien's work but it's never been been adapted to other mediums properly

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Uuuuuvvvvgghhh... SOVL

Nice headcanon, discordtranny

>was so angry he lost an award to JK Rowling in 2001 he made his ugly female knight beat two knights with names similar to Harry Potter
Meds. Now.

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Only if we get to play as humans. No stealth mechanics. No third person. Traditional first person western upheld conservative methods only.
If I was Tolkien, I would be fed up with Lord of the Rings Online autism that gave so many people mental illnesses and raped so many children (by accident). Now that you know, you're not supposed to just keep it going.

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Shit the fuck up you stupid ugly tranny

your game was already released its called Kingdom Come Deliverance and its kino

why not

middle earth is tired and overused.
now Lewis Carroll's wonderland, that's underutilized

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>fat jew throwing a tantrum over losing an award

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lotro was kind of nice but it started going downhill after mirkwood, hard, and really hit rock bottom with the free to play elements and rohan expansions. Shadows of Angmar, Mines of Moria and Siege of Mirkwood were still pretty okish.

>you got a turn already
as if it was over and that you decide these things. (and as if we do things by having only 1 game, and that it's decided by you)

And your comment was already told off that it has a lock on its combat mode and people didn't like having to throw spears or shoot arrows to play like it didn't have one.

Attached: First_Person_LotR.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

so you seethe personally for JK feminism rowling now? shazamtrannies starting to live up to their name

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there are not enough creepy child predators writing stuff anymore that doesn't just end up being some reddit writefaggotry or discord circlejerking

? I dont understand user

based, tolkien was not a very good writer. His prose was very dry and unpoetic.

>it's never been been adapted to other mediums properly
The attitude is all wrong. Faggot creative types want to make a name for themselves, whereas Tolkien was creating a bedtime story for his children.

Complete mismatch in the approach, and it has killed every single adaptation in one way or another

>he even made buddhism evil in Sekiro
You're retarded. The story of Sekiro is about breaking the cycle of ressurection which is the principle aim of Buddhism.

>? I dont understand user

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Elden ring is already Tolkien as fuck
But only Silmarillion nerds see it


ofcourse it hasn't. tolkien estate isn't willing to sell the rights to use silmarillion or anything other than lord of the rings or hobbit. perhaps the death of christopher will change that eventually