It's a true masterpiece

>It's a true masterpiece.

>The fire giant is one of the worst boss design of all souls
>The liturgic town evergaol could be simply removed from the game and it would just flatout improve it as a whole.
>Balance is better than in other souls but still very far from great

Attached: eldenring.jpg (1220x678, 149K)

Fire Giant was one of the few lategame fights I really enjoyed, Godfrey being the other

>Balance is better than in other souls
Referring to the instakill 9000 hp bosses who execute 13 hit combos and read your inputs?

Stay mad and bad.

no bosses are dificult that's true, but i don't see this as a problem. They can be killed easilly, they only really get difficult if you choose to not use summon, cheese, etc..

I mean balance between weapons/builds. Like axes are complete garbage for example.

Balance is dogshit in this game and you can really feel when they ran out of time and money the moment you get to mountaintop of giants. Fire Giant was a cool fight but pretty much every other late game boss and enemy is trash because of retarded hp bloat and ridiculous damage

fuck you godfrey was great, I had much more trouble with fire giant. Godfrey on the other hand was just reading his telegraphs for when he was doing the shockwaves and getting away while also just dodging his 50 grabs, he had a shit ton of openings. Fire giant on the other hand is a piece of shit since second phase was him rolling around like a major cunt while spewing fire on the ground whenever you got close enough. He'd roll 3 times per swing you actually connected.

I especially hate when he would lock himself in a fucking corner between rocks and becomes pretty much impossible to approach

I don't understand why people complain about the fire giant? I've beaten the game 3 times on 2 different characters and I've only ever died to the fire giant one time (the first attempt)

Sekiro was MIyazaki's magnum opus and it all downhill from there

Entire franchise is dog shit. I played God of War 20 years ago, don't need this half-assed copy.

Amazing game but no replayability

I know I'm a scrub, but the game seriously became so much less fun with Mountaintops. Until then I felt like it had a pretty normal difficulty curve, but then you reach Mountaintops and instantly feel underpowered, and there's not even much you can do about it since your primary stat and weapons are going to be almost maxed out by then

Good game but not a soulslike

>Good game but not a soulslike
shortest way to explain why its a good game

I replay it like 4 times and did the gauntlets(Except the shura one cause fuck doh) and 100% the game.

At this point i think you need to optimise your weapon choice, improve your summon, etc...

A maxed out shit tier weapon will not compare to powerstancing two collosal sword with frost and stuff for example.

> liturgic town evergaol
Why does this game have such unmemorable area names?

You listed literally non issues. These are fine
Remember Shrine of Amana

Jar knights are fucked, the first one I summoned instantly killed me with moonveil. Going offline as I can't deal with the broken bullshit you guys use.

>No pvp achievements
>No collect all sorceries and incantations
Thank you FROM.

Case in pic.

Thwe gauntlet helps but when it came out i was looooong done with the game.

Attached: sekinoreplayability.png (1284x631, 1.33M)

90% of the players run around with katanas. Says a lot about the state of this game

which is why i still say the game is a masterpiece. But godam i hate firegiant and litturgic town
And i really which not 80% weapon were unusable garbage

True masterpiece in fighting each boss 9 times in a single playthrough. How long until people actually notice this?

>Attacking is worthless, parrying is your main offensive tool.
>The equivalent of playing a DMC game where only royalguard counters deal damage and everything else is just for show

Nah, fuck Sekiro.

>it's 2022 and people are still complaining about difficulty in Fromsoft games

you haven't played the game

I'm extremely close to dropping it. I refuse to keep exploring copy and pasted dungeons with nothing worthwhile at the end besides more reused bosses.

I mean you can basically get a lot of hours out the pvp and coop from Ds3, I reached 700 hours because of that, also 100% the game before it became borderline impossible.

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