Arcade games and in extension literally ANY fucking beat em up sidescroller is dog shit boring. Why do people like them...

Arcade games and in extension literally ANY fucking beat em up sidescroller is dog shit boring. Why do people like them? Nostalgia?

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What makes them boring to you?

Repetitive. Low skill floor and ceiling.

Please do not group glorious shmups in with brainless button mash garbage like beat em ups

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zoom zoom nigga
you don't know SHIT about video games

Not that user but some games are about learning to beat cheap bullshit in as few coins as possible. You can't get that through an emulator with an infinite coin button


>ANY fucking beat em up sidescroller is dog shit boring
Well yeah, beat em ups were created for the casual market.

>bullet hell
Don't lump in tranime ADHD shit with good shmups like the 1940s series

>Low skill ceiling
Half of this board loves the shit out of Souls and its even lower in mechanical knowledge than most beat em ups.

>Dodonpachi (1997)

Also seek professional mental help for your tranny obsession

zoom zoom FUCKIN zoom, actually kill yourself, woohoo

Why are boomers so triggered LOL you seriously can't go ooga booga over fucking final gay fight

Zoom zooms have such shit taste

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I only enjoy arcade games these days. I'm also in my 30s. There's something nice about turning on a game and being able to play it within 10 seconds instead of cutscenes, tutorials, and a ton of bullshit on the screen. Sure they can get "boring" if you play them for hours on end, but the average player was never meant to. Zoomers are braindead

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>Low skill floor and ceiling.
Try this one then bitch
>inb4 dragon exploit leveling cheese
Beat it the real way.

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I still play DDR religiously. I just bought a set of pads for home use too. Just so I could play doubles without there being a 30 year old fart hogging the machine

Literally triggered.
DDR is cool. My gf pretty wild on it

smash tv had 4 players?

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No, the joysticks were one for moving and the other for shooting.

That's fair. I was a dumb kid when I got exposed to them, so they were made pretty basic to guzzle quarters.

I think that's why I don't enjoy Minecraft or the content surrounding it; I was already in college when it came out.

Shit taste. Go back to watching television.

>zoomer game skill level has dropped so far that they see the steep learning curve of arcade games as a wall, and assume the skill floor is the skill ceiling
Absolutely embarrassing

>Low skill floor and ceiling.