Rip ruskies

rip ruskies

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Russia wiped out Azov. Good riddance.

Why do I get the feeling the actual image on the right is a guy wearing a MAGA hat in front of a gas pump? I say this because this because every political cartoon has makes is complaining about Trump or anyone that's a Republican?

At least I am free of buying vidya each sale and not playing it afterwards. Maybe this is the chance to clean up my backlog.

>this because this
I say this because this guy*
How the fuck did I type a second because?


You were wrong about the hat anyway

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right is worse

Why is Any Forums ALWAYS right, sisters?

*sips brain fluid*

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>you're not allowed to complain about anything if someone else in the world has it worse than you
There's LITERALLY always someone worse off than you. How come this argument never goes:
>Complaining about someone calling you the wrong pronouns? How dare you care about such a non-issue, there are children in Africa who don't even have a supply of clean drinking water!

haha wow you really can guess what anyone's opinion is going to be about anything, once you know his views on one thing

Ideology has been solved

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Let them drive Teslas.

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>How come this argument never goes
>arguing in good faith

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It's uncanny isn't it?

We only get 1% of our oil from Russia and shutting that down literally just happened. That's not the fucking reason gas is high.

Or maybe, just maybe, you were getting more than 1% of your oil from russia.
Or you know, russia has some resources that are integral to the production of petrol.

>enemy can use time travel to attack you retroactively

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imagine having a bigger persecution complex than jews and niggers combined, fucking know your place wh*toid, it's on your knees

*failed coup
ftfy :]

>it's real
Check out the #1 reply holy shit

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>years of senseless tarriffs and embargoes resulting from WWE tier political theater
>years of tearing down trade agreements that were keeping prices down
thanks obama

Post hand

>scroll through comments
>"we need more immigrants to fight inflation"
honestly, just fucking nuke us

You are correct.

And these same people want us, to die for a corrupt shithole in Eastern Europe so they can continue to hurt insult and degrade us. They side with nazi and then call truckers nazi here.

Its almost like leftists and anyone who sides with the USA are the most evil thing on this planet

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literally helping the west by destroying the only slightly questionable thing about Ukraine's resistance
smart russia would be funding Azov

Me in bottom row, second column

>slightly questionable
>didn't put zelensky's head on a pike day one
Never raised a single question, that bunch.

100% agree, my fellow english-speaking white friend :)

do the evil aliens who run this prison planet use black people's bodies as vehicles?

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interesting how the people who spread these newspaper comics are also the people who are responsible for overpricing the gas.



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Why did Pokemon Go make boomers seethe so hard? Weren't they also complaining about how kids never went out of the house and did anything?

Russian misinformation, why would a neo-nazi group fight for a Jewish president?

They're neo-nazis who knowingly receive funding from a literal kike. They're peak goy.

This is... Well, *darn*. This is telling.

Because like all neo nazis, they're retarded tools