Welcome to the soulless world of late stage capitalism, Any Forums

Welcome to the soulless world of late stage capitalism, Any Forums

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Just get rid of nintendo and we wouldn't have to deal with this garbage anymore.

>is that... is that a building on a cloudy day?


>New Kirby video game
>Hey, lets put kirbys on our balls outside to advertise the game, it's creative


Àaaaaaaaaah noooo not capitalist! Noooooo Marx where are you! Twitter helllp ratio the capital helllp

Capitalism doesn’t work.

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Not everyone wants (((advertisements))) shoved down their throats by the reddit professional-managerial class day in day out for our entire existence.

The problem is that games got popular enough in the first place that regular stores do this rather than videogame stores.
I am not going to bump this thread, I can already feel the impending zoomer faggotry and constant political shitflinging

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>late stage capitalism
Also known as peak Judaism

Neither does Communism you retarded shit.

Based and redpilled

I thought those were bollards but they seem kind of small and spaced apart for that.

>late stage
>the commies actually think they’re winning

holy kek what a sad story

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That's not Wal-Mart

You know what does work? Decentralized cooperative economics and community relations.

You should ratio them on twitter. Go ratio them.

You don't know what communism is. Nor do you know what socialism or capitalism are.

It's "late stage" because it'll either morph into full blown technocratic feudalism or collapse into regular old fashioned feudalism.

If you don't want advertisements, do not go to a store.

Underaged faggot kill yourself.

>Soviet Union went from feudalism to exploring outer space in 40 years despite a civil war and WW2 in the interim
>People’s Republic of China is an economic superpower
>Cuba has one of the most advanced healthcare systems in the world, to the point of creating cancer vaccines
>DPRK has 100% literacy rate

Communism: It works, bitches.

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>Welcome to the soulless world of late stage capitalism, Any Forums
absolute cringe

This is the only ratio I care about, zoomer.

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>don't want adverts shoved down your throat
>in the parking lot of a store which is entirely advertising


lol, this

Doesn't work regardless of how well you understand it.

They're everywhere. They're inescapable. There has to be a middle ground between this zog'd and poz'd hell we've created and full Ted K schizo innawoods life.



Oh look he’s Braindead

Welcome to terms that are automatically filtered to hidden.

This. I fucking hate marketers.

have you heard about the struggles of the creator of tetris because of communism?

Capitalism seeks infinite economic growth in a world of finite resources. It’s an unsustainable concept, and the environmental damage of capitalism is already coming into fruition.

One way or another, its days are numbered. The question is if it dies because we replace it with something better, or it collapses on itself and takes us all with it. I hope it’s the former.

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Not an argument, Chaim.

the kirby balls are cute, i probably will buy kirby cuz of these

just because of kirby and a clouded day?

user just kill yourself at this point you jaded bitch

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>Any Forums is nostalgic for blockbuster and toys r us
>Any Forums seethes at this and calls it soulless
eat a dick OP

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>blah blah blah i dont want to go to work on monday
yeah we know

A good chunk of this board is made up of soulless redditors who work in (((advertising))), using the divine spark granted to us from Sophia to push consooming and general soi-life on the good people of the world. They are agents of chaos and evil.

nah he is just baiting and you fell for it lol

Define “working.” What terms would it take for you to consider communism as having successfully worked?

PROTIP: Whatever definition you come up with, it’ll lead to either Communism having already worked several times over, or one where capitalism hasn’t worked either.

My fuckin target didn't have the kriby balls

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Socialism would make the clouds go away

how the fuck is this bad retard

Fucking mental midget.

No, because of the illusion of endless growth on a planet with limited resources.
>Any Forums is one person

>adding late stage to capitalism

Dumbass communist

Oh no, not a store!

la creatura americano

>Any Forums is one person

Capitalism allows my family and me to earn loads of money and live an easy life.
Communism wouldn't allow that.
Therefore communism is shit and anyone who thinks communism works can eat a big fat fucking dick AW26P

Are you proud of making money for a boss who doesn't give a shit about you? Why do you want to go into work?

It should be forbidden by law to erect these basic-ass blocky building outside of industrial zones. I'm not kidding. Minimalism is venom for the soul.

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Only 10% of the American population builds wealth every year. 90% are unable to, and get poorer every single year while the (((richest))) among us gobble up control of all the land and resources with the help of shabbos goys like you. It may work for you, but it does not work fore the vast majority of people.

Funny thing is that this approach is more creative and soulful than cramming adverts onto packs of trash americans label as "food", ads in internet spaces and other low hanging fruit of marketing climate.

>Are you proud of making money for a boss who doesn't give a shit about you?
you think this will change with communism?

>Are you proud of making money for a boss who doesn't give a shit about you?
Go make your own money if you hate your boss and work. Surely you can create your own business where you can be free of it. If you can do it better, money where your mouth is.

Communism would allow every family to live your life.

There is not a single system of human governmnt where someone isn't getting screwed over. Humans are too coruptable and greedy to be in charge. The only way to make things truly fair is to have an emotionless AI in charge.

>Why Communism?
>Because Capitalism Starves

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Or decentralize and democratize power so it doesn't concentrate in the hands of a small group of people who can use that power to their advantage.

Yet when Japan does it...

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Communism cannot exist, no government has ever been communist. You have authoritarian dictatorships (ironically more anti-communist than capitalism, because at least capitalism allows you to have stakes in public businesses) or socialist states (which are primarily capitalist and thus obviously not communist).

I don't give a shit about my boss, he just needs to pay me and I can go home. Why would he give a shit about me?

Why don't you define success, communism, and then explain why it has "worked". You're the one espousing economic systems on a Botswanan meat packing board.

By definition, yes
The point is not to be the one on top of the pyramid, it's to level the pyramid.

Neither of you answered my question. Do you like your job?

>muh hoaxodomor

Ever hear of the Irish Potato Famine?

But then the media and the mob are in charge.

Late stage capitalism is selling unhealthy goods to require medical necessities and then repossessing medical necessities because you were late on a payment. this is not late stage capitalism. But you knew this and I shouldn’t have replied.

B-but we m-must dissent.
And emotionless AI will just come to the conclusion that having humans around is counter-productive.

Reminder that this minimalist style came from no other than a jewish school of arts. Also reminder that when the nazis took over, they burned and got rid of all jewish degenerate art cause it was destroying German culture.

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That nigga Marx never worked a fucking day in his life.

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this is cute. You just don't like fun user

>Why do you want to go into work?

So I can go on vacations, buy video games, have dogs and cats, pay for my apartment, pay for my car, and enjoy life instead of living on a fucking government stipend and getting food stamps?

Chaos is not evil. Chaos in it's truest essence is change. The growth from newborn to elder, hope for a brighter tomorrow, evolution and transcendence, all of these are examples of chaos bringing upheaval to life. Don't insult chaos. They are agents of greed and evil and nothing more.

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The media wouldn't be 6 companies who all agree on 90% of topics if the economy were decentralized.

>By definition
and in reality, no one genuinely gives a shit about you

You're probably one of those faggots that gets nostalgic over 90s commercials and the Pokemon craze. Kill yourself.

Capitalism is just human nature. The majority of human civilization was built on traders and merchants. Capitalism is just a structured recognition of the trades of goods and services. Humans can't follow any other economic system besides capitalism. What we need to do instead is purge the corrupted sources of dirty money and close all the loop-holes that were purposefully kept open by powerful dickheads. A refined capitalism is what everyone should strive for instead of replacing it with ideals no one can follow.

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>Neither of you answered my question. Do you like your job?
You dont have to like your job. There is nothing that says you're suppose to like your job to pay the bills.

Communism works when it improves the quality of life for the populace compared to their pre-Communist life, and by that definition it has worked every single time.

The Soviet Union was better than Tsarist Russia. The PRC is better than the ROC. The Republic of Cuba is better than Cuba under Batista. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is better than French Indochina. The DDR was better than Nazi Germany. The DPRK is better than Korea under Japanese occupation. And so on.

Not if we program it to never come to that conclusion. It's not some sci-fi AI.

Welcome to the point, dingus. When it happens under communism (during fucking wartime) it's a tragic crime against humanity that should never be forgotten, when two holodomors happen every year under capitalism it's business as usual.

Communism won’t work until you have no scarcity of goods. Simple as. But let me be clear: none of our economic or government systems work now. It’s incumbent upon us to create something new, and we need to do so quickly.

I am not. Got any more baseless strawman arguments?

Someone should do a capitalism Japan, and capitalism America with Japan having anime and neon light advertisements and America having a strip mall

This is literally the most "soul" and effort i've seen put in to advertising a game that just came out I've seen in a long long time.

>after the school closed, the staff continued to spread its idealistic precepts as they left germany and emigrated over the world

Hitler should not have lost.

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>Why do you want to go into work?

So we have a society where we have fresh waster delivered to us in a faucet, and can have groceries delivered to every corner store, and we can sit on our ass all weekend long and literally order any food we want directly to our door and come home to running pipes, hot water in our showers, and take vacations with our families.

Or we could live in socialism and sign a form and hope we get enough money each week to buy crackers and bottled water, or work on a government assigned farm or some shit and get your solid waste treatment plant fund and coming home to HOPEFULLY having working electricity in a 4x4 slot.

>Not if we program it to never come to that conclusion
Then it's the same shit under a different paint of coat, who will program this A.I for you?