Just downloaded for $32 and first time playing, is this a good deal?

Just downloaded for $32 and first time playing, is this a good deal?

Attached: zeus-social-share.jpg (1920x1080, 419.85K)

I actually thought it was pretty fun, though I haven't played a cod since blops 1

no, get modern warfare(the one before this) instead

Campaign is surprisingly fun, although really short. Multiplayer is a clear downgrade from MW19. Zombies is absolute dogshit.

All in all it's pretty bad.

The campaign is not that bad. Did not play other modes.

It was good, but MP was not as good as MW2019. Still fun though.

No, the series has gone to fucking shit with SBMM, the game is only fun for a few hours online before it goes to hell with forced 50/50 against laggy fucks.

I actually liked the mp in this more than mw2019. The maps were much better


Attached: A36BBE4C-D60E-401D-B93C-4F20448116E4-368-000000522FFE38EF.png (782x758, 156.02K)

>almost Black Ops 2 tier campaign, the best single player has been in ages
>multiplayer is fantastic and still lively, way more fast-paced than the new engine games and less camper-friendly and the maps aren't full of sniper fodder open space
>zombies is also great between the normal wave-based maps and Outbreak mode

shit game

Did they use jocko wilinx as the model for this dude

>Two rupees have been deposited in your account, Mr. Rajesh

That is not the way SBMM works though

Honestly I'd be fine if they weren't laggy, but in no unranked game mode should some hidden mmr bullshit be given preference over connection quality.

You got my hopes up thinking it's finally on sale. But it looks great, far better than the hell hole known as Black Ops 3 and 4. Zombies look to be a downgrade however. Im glad they're fucking off from future shooters.

The game is foundationally flawed and will remain that way because it was pushed out a year early to cover for vanguard, because of this the game feels flawed and rough around the edges and the campaign feels like it's missing 10 or so missions. That being said, zombies is arguably the best it's ever been, and the campaign is entertaining until it falls apart.

Ignore faggots like every game in the series has had some kind of MMR and the complaint about SBMM only gained traction because """pros""" can't stomp on kids anymore, and people worship ecelebs now, so when they bitch everyone complains.

People who cry about SBMM are a bunch of faggots man.
> the complaint about SBMM only gained traction because """pros""" can't stomp on kids anymore, and people worship ecelebs now, so when they bitch everyone complains.
I feel the very same, I think the problem isn't about the matchmaking but has to do with the players themself. COD has been around for a long time now and consists of reoccuring players. There are more people experienced with shooters now than back in the 360/PS3 days.

>the complaint about SBMM only gained traction because """pros""" can't stomp on kids anymore
I don't watch any pros (or anyone else) play this game
Zombie is fun, but it gets boring quickly once you learn the maps

I liked it. It was rough at launch but ended up being pretty good after a while.

I don't really mind losing, I'm not some faggot that obsesses over his ratios or whatever. The only thing that bugs me is that, especially since BOCW matches tend to be less lopsided than the games before and after it because the streak system has less runaway momentum, matches have this weird Mario Kart-esque inertia to them
>close win
>close win
>close loss
>close loss
>close win
>close win
>close win
>you are going to be fed to a party running only the most meta weaponry(though less severely since the Tec-9 and marshall nerfs) quick scoping while also babysitting people that were Genji mains in Overwatch 6 years ago
>close win