When the recession comes these secondary projects like Netflix and Amazon game studios will be axed right?

When the recession comes these secondary projects like Netflix and Amazon game studios will be axed right?

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oh yeah

I'm canceling my NutFlex subscription because they sent me an email to stop sharing my password with my parents. No sense in paying for a service that dictates what you do with your money. Also they shit on every anime they try to live action. "Black L" sucked.

I'm surprised Amazon hasn't already thrown in the towel like goddamn

>Boss Fight Entertainment

Even if their stuff bombs horribly they'll get propped up by globohomo

Neflix doesn't ship me dogfood each month nor have channels for live tv and sports. Amazon is better for many things Netflix can't do. Like, Netflix doesn't even deliver groceries while I watch Anime and shitpost on Any Forums.

We're talking about their video game stuff dumbass

get ready for black and colored only protagonists

what in the god damn

Attached: bfe.jpg (592x196, 24.45K)

Oh wow a useless phone game maker who was flailing in the industry made up of former Zenga staff. This makes Sony's acquisitions look healthy and well thought out.

>"Black L" sucked.
Are you talking about Death Note? Because black L was the only tolerable part of that shitshow. Also, still lol'ing at cowboy bebop getting cancelled after one season

damn, imagine owning a money laundering scam business and netflix actually buys it from you. how lucky would you feel

N- Games

This is a video game board. It’s clear he was referencing their game studios not the fucking dog food subscription service.

How dumb are you?

Netflix is part of it

Amazon isn't propped up by 'globohomo', it's propped up by tens of millions of people like .

yes, netflix just bought the studio. that is what the OP is about. very good

AGS is being propped up heavily by western weebs playing korean credit card swiping sims.

Awesome, so Netflix has more cheap labor for whatever generic, trend chasing online MMO GaaS esports wannabe they shit out and then shut down in a year.

Ah I meant the games specifically. They'll operate at a loss.

amazon has. the fact that it has a subscription service for tv but that you then have to pay to rent half the stuff on again on top auto loses them the entire competition. they're sitting there with enough retards who will pay them for it, so they don't have to compete or try and won't. all of their original shows they're dumping money into atm will bomb and we all know why.
all these sites are pure faggotry now, back to pirating is by far the superior choice for how many different services there are that host exclusive shit, and how few are actually worth watching