How did he get to Farum Azula?

How did he get to Farum Azula?

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he called an uber

took the lava elevator

He ate Radahn's guts and can fly with gravity magic now.

Didn't you read the item descriptions? I'm not going to spoonfeed the story to you.

he is just that great

How the fuck did they all get even to Altus before me, if I was the one who activated the lift.

Patches told them all in advance to use the Volcano manor route.

how did we get to farum azula?

seeing him there was a little jarring

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How do WE get to Farum Azula?
Why do WE get to Farum Azula?

They all went through the side path and walked through the magma wyrm's home, that's why he woke up and is angry at the next person who enters (you)
Read the item descriptions and you'd know this

Melina warps you there just like she warps you to the round table. I guess she just has the power to send you anywhere at any time she wants, she just chooses to force you to walk to everything yourself because she refuses to accept Torrent telling her you're awesome.

>How do WE get to Farum Azula?
Marika set up some strange ward via the forge of giants preventing people from seeking the route to the rune of destined death
>Why do WE get to Farum Azula?
To recover the rune of destined death that Maliketh had been hiding, allowing the Erdtree's thorns (and the rest of the tree) to burn

They started making the level because it looked and sounded cool, but then some content leading to that area was cut, so they warped you there without explanation

who warps you there when you just burn in flames of frenzy without melina?

It would probably too much to ask for but i hope that the DLC (if it ever comes around) expands on the base game by filling out areas of the game world rather than transporting us to a new location entirely separated from the rest of the world.

>To recover the rune of destined death that Maliketh had been hiding, allowing the Erdtree's thorns (and the rest of the tree) to burn
Does Melina tell you that?

He asked Zanzibart to give him a ride


>He asked Zanzibart to give him a ride

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Which items?

Because the script said so.

fuck that, how did *I* get to farum azula?
>burn tree
>wake up in magic floating skyland

speaking of which, where the hell is the roundtable? And what's up with the alternate abandoned roundtable that exists in the "real world" in Leyndell?

Does that mean the roundtable is in some alternate parallel universe or some shit?

Why do we need to go through all that trouble to reach Maliketh? why can't I just kill him as Gurranq in the bestial sanctuary and get the death rune that way?
Also why can't I equip the death rune like i can the other shards?

Devs teleported him like they do you

You mean outer gods

Pretty sure he doesn't have the rune of destined death in the Bestial Sanctum
That's why he's collecting Deathroot, it's his punishment for losing it
What I wanna know is why the four belfries has a random teleporter to Farum Azula

the did it in dark souls 3 and bloodborne so they had to do it here too, expect another one in dark souls 5

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>kill Maliketh
>return to Bestial Sanctuary
>still see Beast Clergymen

You activated the lift for yourself. They all had tickets to use the lift

To show you the cool thing at a relatively early time in the game

I'm assuming it's in the Erdtree. When you set the Tree on fire, the Roundtable starts to burn too. I'm also assuming that whatever first warrior gathering existed long ago had its headquarters at the real manor in Leyndell, and some Marika or whoever created a copy in the Tree to give future Tarnished a base as well.

I don't have an explanation for that, but they're very clearly the same guy. Maliketh's dialogue even changes if you collected all the death root for "Gurranq" beforehand. Why he's still there afterwards... idk, oversight?

You don't physically go to Farum Azula.
Melina sends only your consciousness to retreive Death, your body collapses at the fire cauldron right after the fire boss. No I don't know how this works without Melina, nor how you end up in Ashy Leyndell afterward.
My reasoning is that From Software already used this idea in Dark Souls 3:
You send your consciousness to a late game dragon-related area in the distance, populated by beast-men. It's the same thing.

Attached: path of the dragon.png (265x148, 41.03K)

I want a REAL Legacy Dungeon to fall out of the sky when Radahn dies and for the Wailing Dunes to later be repurposed.

It didn't make sense in DaS3 either but at least they played a cutscene showing some mystical shit happening with you meditating. In ER you just get a loading screen and suddenly you're in Farum Azula. Not even a cutscene showing you looking off in the distance to a floating city or anything.

Also I don't understand why Leyndell turns ashy after you kill Maliketh instead of after you burn the tree. Isn't it ashy from the tree burning above it?