Why do people say MMOs are easy when even the world best guilds can't beat the final boss in 3 weeks?

Why do people say MMOs are easy when even the world best guilds can't beat the final boss in 3 weeks?

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I guess they aren't the best then

Amalur did that look better. 3/10. Looks gay.

But they did
>Mythic is the REAL endboss

Why does pretty much every MMO use a fantasy setting?
An MMO is a type of game, not a theme.
There's very few sci-fi MMOs compared to the hundreds of fantasy ones.

>the game is easy because they beat the easy mode
Absolute brainlet take.

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first ff14 fans are trannies, then wow fans are trannies
i'm starting to think Any Forums just thinks anyone who's ever played a video game is a tranny

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There are many different and incompatible forms of difficulty. If you have a well-tuned mythic boss in WoW, given that contemporary elite players approximate best play, it takes buffs of a few tens of percent to make it impossible so if you want the game to be "difficult" on metric of "how long it takes to beat the final boss on the highest artificial difficulty" then, well, Blizzard can just increase the numbers by 40% to be on the safe side and make it "never, not without direct or indirect nerfs". But in that case it would be analogous to, say, rolling 13 with two six-sided dice, and most people wouldn't call that difficulty. They wouldn't really call it difficulty even if the requirement was reduced to possible roll of 12.

But then, that form of difficulty is just one possible definition of difficulty. Why that instead of, say, the difficulty of leveling and world content, or the difficulty of 5-man content at the highest difficulty level that isn't just endless scaling (indeed, in terms of personal skill, due to smaller group sizes, one could well argue these are more relevant metrics of personal skill)? If you calculate weighed average for difficulty (weights determined based on how much the playerbase spends doing that form of content), you might well discover that the game is overall "trivial". Moreover, while bleeding edge raiding is in fact nontrivial, each additional reset of gear is an indirect nerf to the content (on top of possible direct nerfs) and when most people, even Mythic raiders (which, as mentioned above, isn't necessarily the only relevant let alone the only possible metric) do it when it's in fact vastly easier in terms of personal mechanical skill, decision-making and coordination. And even then, a lot of that difficulty is about everyone in the raid performing to the maximum at every try: if you are able to perform at individual level 80% of the time, individually the content is "easy", even if that'd mean lots and lots of wipes overall.

Yup. The first two weeks jailer would've been mathematically impossible. This is WoWs team getting back at XIV fags and ass blastery from sylvanas last tier dying before a single reset. They just tuned the numbers really high so people have to grind gear. Wow is the epitome of artificial difficulty

the majority of mmo players are lgbtbbqrst+ so their fight is like
both fucking suck and mmo is a braindead genre for morons

you mean fat jannies ...the wow ones at least since they provide photos

Aren't they stuck not because of skill but because they don't have the gear to get the kill?

No, they are inching closer and closer, maybe today they'll finally get the kill.

They're both tranny communities pretending the other one transitioned harder than the other. However Any Forums is too retarded to figure out that one

The game is super easy. The problem is the math. Blizzard raid designers aren't retarded. They design the bosses to be killed after x amount of time even with pumped up gear progression. It's only after a certain amount of Mythic reclears they will be allowed to kill it.

Then how comes world first races usually end week 2 and it takes them hundreds of tries with the same gear before they finally get the clear?

Guys.... Zovaal was just trying to save us from the greater threat...
if only we listened to him....
now the real jailor's plan is going to come to fruition and sylvanas is condemned to the maw.....

It's a marketing thing. Most final raid tiers come out super hard then get nerfed later.

>Then how comes world first races usually end week 2 and it takes them hundreds of tries with the same gear before they finally get the clear?
Because the guilds in the race literally spend 10s of thousands of dollars worth of gold to buy drops from viewers to give them an edge

no one cares about the story apart from faggots who play on rp servers

It's not like anyone has proved it as a theorem it's not possible (with only weak assumptions like "server hardware functions according to specification"): if you're not familiar with high-end raiding, you'd be surprised of the amount of difference practice and clean execution can make (suddenly you notice people are taking less avoidable damage so you can drop one healer, etc, etc).

I didn't even know the last tier had released until I noticed this thread, but looking at it now, this reset it definitely looks possible with attainable gear. First week, I'd hazard a guess it was not, but as said, that's just game intuition and not proof (this line of reasoning has a really poor track record, what with pre-nerf C'thun in fact being easy despite claims of impossibility, etc).

You didn't answer any part of the question. Even if that's true they still eventually plateau at an itemlevel and even with that itemlevel it takes them hundreds of tries to kill a boss. The itemlevel is not the thing that kills the boss, it's merely an entry requirement.

Aren't the raids super buggy and kept getting tuned every other day? Not to mention there's no easy gear set you can craft to be Mythic ready?


MMORPGs are for fat nerds who are so bad at video game and only cope by grinding.

Who designed this fucking armor?

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The Primus

i'm assuming they're at the point where literal perfection in mechanics and good rng is needed when they're running it that soon because they're at the absolute bare minimum stat requirement

DeathNipple strong

mythic so far hasn't been buggy, it's just that the bosses before the final boss haven't been total jokes
the jailer right now is 100% beatable with their gear, they just cannot make any mistakes
every single one of their wipes so far has been because of one person fucking something up and not necessarily because of the lack of gear (although more gear makes shit a lot easier)
t. Paid a lot of attention to the race and what the players had to say