Think Any Forums was just contrarian for shitting on Elden Ring's endgame zones after Leyndell

>think Any Forums was just contrarian for shitting on Elden Ring's endgame zones after Leyndell
Any Forums was fucking right.
Fuck Fire Giant and his bugged shit fight
Fuck pic related zone.
Fuck the Blood Palace and the stupid fucking tumor birds and dogs.
Fuck Mohg, but he is just a lottery fight if his AI is dumb.
I can't even imagine how fucking cancer Malenia is gonna be and I heard there is a fucking furry boss who is even more cancer.

What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking for turning this game from 9/10 to 6/10?

Attached: consecrated_snowfield_location_map_elden_ring_wiki_guide_1920px.jpg (1920x2296, 793.36K)

Haligtree and Elphael are good end game areas tho. Keep going, it's actually pretty enjoyable even with SR affliction

It's well known the game wasn't play tested. People complained about midir in DS3 after the Devs said he was supposed to be a challenge but gamers found him too easy.
Elden ring really is just a challenge run game.

I've seen challenge run dark souls mods more forgiving than this game

Am I the only one who loved the lake of rot?

I thought it was frustrating but actually a fun change of pace.
I mean who the fuck expects a stealth section in a souls game?

i mean the only issue with the late game zones is there isnt much to do and all the enemies are the same despite the biome being totally new, which is kind of a let down

got burnt out when i got to altus plateau after 150 hours

has there ever been a tropical area in a souls game?

The only bad part of the endgame is the snowfields, IMO. Haligtree and Malenia are a tough endgame dungeon, and it's optional. Had no issue with fire giant either, I don't get what the fuck people are doing to find it frustrating. He literally has an achilles heel, and then you just smack him and avoid the floating fireball because nothing else can get you. Snowfield is just boring though. It doesn't have the visual impact it needs to make it explorable.
I can't think of any, it would be nice though. I'd love fewer humanoid enemies personally, and an area like that would be suitable.

Yeah, no shit. That's the equivalent of spending 70 hours just in the starting part of Dark Souls 1. Why did you spend so much time there?

first half is close to 9/10
second half is 3/10 copyasted shit
never seen a game fall off so hard

if by furry boss you mean blaidd then you can just bleed him to death

>I heard there is a fucking furry boss who is even more cancer.
I genuinely do not understand how people have trouble with Maliketh. This isn't even some shitty doublespeak bragging, for real, Malenia kicked my shit in, Mohg was not enjoyable to fight, but Farum Azula and both its bosses were great. I don't understand. The real late game problem boss is the Beast because it's literally the last thing you do and it's such a wet fart of an experience. It's so fucking boring and time consuming. Maliketh was one of the few late bosses that actually felt fair and not gimmicky.

Is there even a single new enemy type in the entire snow region?

I think the 2nd half is great.
I like consecrated snowfield, Haligtree is one of the better legacy dungeons, the bosses are fantastic.

i think you are supposed to sneak by those revenants in elpheal. that's why there's a ton of bushes and they pat up an down the street. it's supposed to just be an intense stealth moment and the only thing down there is the soreseal anyway. how did fire giant bug for you?

Archers on wolf. That's it.

The endgame really does filter out the casuals and shitters.

tranny post

You're right, actually it was 3/10 from start to finish

Haligtree isn't a BAD zone, it's just that the last 1/3 of it is basically just not worth doing at all, just rush through and skip everything because it's a clusterfuck of overpowered enemies designed to ruin your day. Malenia is fine.

Consecrated Snowfield is literally a waste of space, the zone shouldn't exist. Everything in it is a direct copy of something earlier in the game, you have a Magma Wyrm field boss, you have a fucking retarded cave with an Astel clone in it, you have a dumb catacomb with a repeated gimmick to it, the Albinauric village gate is copied from Sellia Town, and the whole zone is just empty outside of that. Huge waste of an area.

Also, Fire Giant is a really dumb waste of what is ostensibly a hugely important boss fight because it literally is supposed to block the way to the kiln you need to enter the endgame, but the boss itself is just a gimmick joke boss that anyone can beat by attacking his foot.

It over shazam you lost, just let it go man….

hardest thing in the game was fighting that hidden black knife assassin boss as a strfag early on, gave me more trouble than everything including malenia

my biggest beef was the shadow puzzle that needed a special light that you have to buy from a merchant five zones back to see the 4 sub-boss like attackers leads to falling puzzle with several enemies trying to push you over, no breathing room like in most other Soul games, just going from one unfun and obtuse puzzle zone to the next.

I'm with that dude, after leyndell I just don't like the enemy placement and types etc.
What was like a great journey and experience is starting to bog down into an annoying slog. Everything is just ambushes all the time and you don't want to explore because you know it'll take another 30minutes to check that one part of the map because of all the enemies hiding everywhere ready to pounce and kill you

Fire giant is based.