Fact: Sekiro is way,way easier than Elden Ring

Fact: Sekiro is way,way easier than Elden Ring

Attached: sekiro.jpg (1920x1080, 534.96K)

Fact: OP is a fag

sekiro filtered me.

elden ring i've beaten multiple times with no summons.

This is true but it's also way, way better designed and the superior game.


maybe, but it's also an infinitely more polished experience, and a much higher quality game.

Attached: sekiro___die_die_die__d___by_anatofinnstark_dd62ee3-350t.jpg (622x350, 40.65K)

I never got past the giant snake in sekiro lol

Fact: There is more to a game than difficulty and constantly obsessing over it is why the souls series was flanderized after DaS1

you can't cheese sekiro with bullshit builds and broken summons

You don't need to cheese Sekiro beacause the parry timings are extremely lenient,enemies have easy to read attacks and you have 2+ lives

It's also much better, which is what actually matters.

Fun fact: its also way way way better than ER, beacuse bullshit difficulty, and dumbing down enemies by giving them input reading and chain attacks that are literally beyblades and last for 30s are not that engaging to play against

based Any Forums coming through for once

Its true.

Once i got sekiro down i never reached double digits deaths in my playthroughs while ER is still fucking me in the 3rd one.

Because sekiro is a well made game, damage in elden ring is too high for some enemies.

now let's see the charmless/demon Bell run

Attached: 1643213883367.png (500x500, 295.72K)

whatever dude.
Pic related is still the king.

Attached: n2.jpg (1024x1024, 209.47K)

you have to use cheese builds in ER is you want it to be easier than Sekiro

>let's see the level 1 fists only run

too based


hahahahaha no. elden rIng is 1000x easier


>elden ring
Just cheese everything with OP shit.
Just parry everything if you aren't a rhythm brianlet.
Both are pretty easy user.

Should I get nioh1 first or dive straight into nioh2?

>summon mimic+10 or black knife tirche+10
>dual katana with bleed/frost
>overlevel with ease thanks to Mohg Palace farming spot
>every boss melts without even trying
Elden Shit Ring is the most casual game FromSoftware has made, now in a boring open world dogshit map that wastes your time. It will never compare to S Team quality like Sekiro and Bloodborne.

Attached: FromSoftware Teams.png (2130x2076, 774.98K)

sekiro is mechanically much easier but the game doesnt let you overlevel since you get attack power increase per boss kill

Sekiro made me FEEL. That's the only thing i care about. I don't care if one is objectively easier, poliahed or whatever the fuck. I dont care about muh stats and numbers and comparisons

Unless you care about the story just play Nioh 2 since it's the same game with improved mechanics.

sekiro ia base don underatanding several mechanics and executing at a high level.

elden ring you show up to 90% of boss fights and erase their health bar in milliseconds because you did virtually any side content.

dont let elden ring faggots convince you of their retardation. its far easier than sekiro, they just want to sit at the cool kida table despite the fact that even journalists can beat their game.

I’ve beaten every souls game and BloodBorne without too much struggle but Sekiro filtered me pretty hard

One issue being that I often get lost and forget which way I’m supposed to be going because a lot of the areas look very similar

This thing is nuts. I started replaying Sekiro yesterday on NG without a charm (played the first time on release). It's so fucking hard and i am having a blast after the shitshow that is Elden Ring.