Are there any games with kaiju (giant, godzilla sized monsters) fighting?

Are there any games with kaiju (giant, godzilla sized monsters) fighting?

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why did they make a film adaptation of the grubhub dance

Why do they made cunny movie?

to make funny cunny money

The style for the adults look really nice. The kids, on the other hand, feel like they designed by a completely different team

Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters. Played it a ton with my brother.

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First one that came to mind

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I'll check it out

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Miriam Abby and Mei cunny pile

theres a ps4 exclusive (because of course good games are stuck there) but thats about it unless theres some indie stuff. also the indian girl was the only good thing to come out of this movie

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Rampage: World Tour has death match levels every now and again.

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based disney exposing a new generation of kids to TF

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Movies fucking sucked because the characters are Canadian. No I won’t elaborate

You're Canadian.

Giant red panda pussy.

The art style doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that they recycled the art style from Luca. It's just plain lazy. Shockingly Encanto was actually good.

Isn't that legitimately supposed to be the point in the actual film?

Rampage: total destruction is pretty fun

War of the Monsters is exactly that.
(It's mediocre by today's standards)

>being a huge fucking faggot that felt the need to signal it by using a niche term like kaiju and explaining it immediately afterward

here's your rec

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mechagodzilla was so fucking bullshit in that game. Save the Earth was better btw. in terms of roster and maps though not graphics and gameplay which Melee is better. I fucking loved playing MOGUERA and Megagurius