Was GRRM good at worldbuilding in Elden Ring?

Was GRRM good at worldbuilding in Elden Ring?

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I get his reasoning for it, but lore-wise it wouldn't make sense.

He didn't do that, he wrote a couple paragraphs and they interpreted it into Elden Ring

>jew hates the Christ-figure doing the Christ-thing
whoa stop the presses

Fromdrones, Miyazaki and GRRM are a match made in hell.

The story of Jesus Christ is a dogshit one though.
>Jews are constantly persecuted, the world is shit
>Jesus is born, is a miracle worker
>Heals the sick, lets the blind see
>Crucified by the Pharisees for going against their teachings, a usurper.
>Dead and buried in a tomb
This is the part where his followers continue on Jesus' great work without him and spread his teachings because Jesus himself is not around for it. Instead, Jesus rises from the dead after three days, is NEVER recaptured by the Pharisees even though they made them look fucking stupid, and spent 40 more days on Earth before going up to Heaven. It's retarded, and Gandalf is the same thing all over again.
>I'm back from the dead and way better than I was before! I will singlehandedly come in and save you wherever you are, and there are no more stakes in this story!


I've finally learned the truth of (((Fromdrones)))


>Elden ring

Zanzibart... forgive me...

more like ZanziFART

>oh yes and then gandalf died crushed by the barlog's fist, his skull splitting in half and brain matter spraying on the fellowship
>sam shits water for 10 days straight and then dies too
>the more he shits the more he drinks
bravo george what a mature masterpiece for mature readers just like me

Alternate headline - Fattie will do anything but finish his book.


>jew hates the Christ-figure doing the Christ-thing
i don't think that's his point given a pretty big amount of elden ring revolves around marika's christ imagery and radagon being an aspect of her in the same vein as the son and the holy spirit being aspects of the father

>the single time a Twitter post actually resonates here and starts significant shit posting
>anons that let it get to them and have finished sperging out now want everyone to forget it happened

I hope zanizbart posting never ends, unironically. The fact a fucking borderlands writer of all things got to you is the funniest part. You seriously got got by a fucking guy that adds badass to everything and makes Reddit jokes, it’s like when the nerd claps back at the faggoty big guy and he’s got no response and just sits there fuming and slackjawed. It’ll never end and I LOVE IT

in case you guys didn't know in the books he kills like 5 different characters only to bring them back

Yes, it was decent enough and he should have been more involved with the actual story as we might have gotten a proper one out of it at least instead of a mess of contrivances and muh item descriptions.

>Playing Final Fantasy VII
>Get to the scene where Aerith dies
>Cloud and crew are devastated
>The next day Aerith comes back and has way more spells/abilities
>"But how?"
>"The Lifestream!"

Do you think fucking ANYBODY would care about FFVII's overarching story if Aerith just came back as if nothing happened? The answer is no.

i guess you never got to the part where jesus comes back with a sword to slay the legion of hell

I like Raya Lucaria

wow the game was as subversive take on Christianity from a seething muh buddhism Jap, stop the presses


You mean the part where Gandalf comes with the riders of Rohan to save Helm's Deep in a deus ex machina moment?

This is two seperate threads for Martin seething about Tolkien. Are these made by Fromdrones on Nintendies?


That fat fuck pisses me off. I don't think he really did anything in elden ring.

zanzibart posting.... I can't forgive you...

Fromdrones love Martin and hate Tolkien so no way would they insult Martin-sama

trying to tie it into nintendo console wars is one of the most fucking pathetic attempts at shitposting i have ever seen in fifteen years of this godforsaken board

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I just did

you're a fake Fromfan and Miyazaki would be ashamed of you insulting God RR Martin

its funny GRRMs opinions on LOTR are completely irrelevant
its like a marvel director critiquing actual movies

Idk why everyone has to blame us tendies. I love jrr tolkien, and my pc. Console wars are for snoy faggots.

A liberal homosexual feminist Jap was teaching a class on Hidetaka Miyazaki, known hack.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Fromsoft and accept that The Lands Between is the greatest fantasy setting of all time even greater than Arda!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, British WW1 veteran who had served 1500 tours of duty on the Somme and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all decisions made by Butcher Haig stood up.

”What are the gameplay differences among the past seven Fromsoft games?”

The arrogant nip smirked quite jewishly and smugly replied “Each game is completely different, you stupid gaijin”
”Wrong. It's the same game remade over half a dozen times, and is advertised as such. Even George Martin himself referred to Elden Ring as a Dark Souls sequel. Where is Tenchu?”

The From shill was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Elden Ring. He stormed out of the room crying those Japanese crocodile tears. The same tears Japanese (who today live in such luxury most can afford multiple body pillows) cried when Hiroshima was bombed. There is no doubt that at this point our Jap-faggot wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a garbage rehash consoomer. He wished so much he could die a glorious death in battle, but he knew deep down he would never be a white man!

The students applauded and became Tolkien fans that day and accepted the Pope as their Lord and Master. A giant eagle named “Thorondor” flew into the room and perched atop the flag of Gondor and shed a tear on the White Tree. The Return of the King was played in co-op several times, and Shazam himself showed up and handed out free Big Gulp sodas across the universe.

The Jap was fired the next day and sunset found him squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up he was committing sudoku in brown water

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Don't care

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The Souls games all have Buddhist themes, though I would not be surprised if Miyazaki himself were fucking Satanist or Jewish (same difference)

yes? buddhism vs. shintoism is a pretty big part of their culture even, since buddhism peddles that life is suffering and all effort should be spent towards not existing, and shintoism peddles ephemeral beauty and living in the moment

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yeah sure

I see what you did there

Zanzidrones...they can't keep getting away with thi-ACK

>I hope zanizbart posting never ends, unironically.
It will be dead by the end of the month because there’s nothing more to the joke. Just stupid shitposters like you repeating the same phrase ad nauseum to trigger gullible fanboys.

What the fuck are you talking about, just admit you like twitter cancer.

The "b" in lgbt stands for black

*holds up spork of randomness* o.o

What was his tax policy?

>Nooo you gotta let me enjoy my Eldenbart lore, look at this shiny stardust great sword with 2 lines of zanzilore that I got from the secret boss in ng+7

tell me the joke but without "zanzibart"
what's that?
there literally is no joke without it?

He's completely wrong tho. The point is the One God brings him back. The wizards are demi-gods sent to help humanity, that is their purpose, with Gandalf gone there is only Saurman, 1 wizard obsessed with animals and 2 you never see or hear.
Gandalf saving his friends at the bridge and then fighting to complete exhaustion to kill a Balrog proved he was pure of heart. He was then able to return much more powerful to complete his purpose.

Was Jon Snow a demi-god who proved his devolution to Good and was resurrected by the One God to for-fill his purpose?
Nope, he was resurrected by a demon spawning, king murdering, Witch. (who is mad uggo when you see her without magic make up.) Jon Snow, going by the show, then goes on to do nothing beneficially important and is overall detrimental to the anti-Other cause, losing a dragon for example, which goes onto bring down the wall. He does go onto to kill dragon bitch right near the end, a women whom many of the red priests/priestesses believe to be their messiah, thus confusing and invalidating 'the red women' resurrecting Jon.

GRR Martin is shitting in your mouth and calling it chocolate.

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Hearty kek, thanks user