I've been on this boss since the first week the game came out. 3915 attempts later and I still haven't killed him...

I've been on this boss since the first week the game came out. 3915 attempts later and I still haven't killed him. I think I'm throwing in the towel officially now but this is the hardest game ever made.

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him and malenia are why elden ring is trash

>block his attack
>magic damage leaks through
>magic damage liver
>take 0 damage
>hp still rapidly shrinks from black flame
ye, bullshit

>1 poster

I'm a 40 year old alcoholic and it took me an hour.

I'd spend a week on that boy too desu

>solo'd him 2nd try with a frost Greatsword and bloodhound step

You have to be an absolute brainlet to attempt the boss more than 5 times with switching up your tactics.
For the love of god, don't reproduce.

What makes you think I haven't tried changing it up.

I made the mistake of beating Malenia solo before getting to Crumbling Faram Azula and the rest of the bosses just felt like a joke
beat duo in 3 tries
malekith in 4
godfrey in 3
radagon/elden beast in 3
she's such a great boss, wish the rest of the endgame bosses were more on her level

i killed him in 1 hit git gud

Did you go out and do other things between attempts? You may be underleveled.

Maliketh is not that bad. The only issue is that he can potentially kill you super quickly in his second phase so you might have to go through his first phase a few times before you can get a handle on his second phase.

first time through, i cheesed him with summons... but that same time was the only time i ever saw his second phase, and he dropped dead pretty quickly.

fought him solo last night and holy hell, wtf are those attacks.

I'm level 150, did mostly everything already including Malenia. Malekith is completely ruining the game for me though.

No he's fucking hard.

How the fuck are you this bad

I met him today, killed him in around 15 minutes. What level are you/your weapon?

why is nobody mentioning the fucking retarded walk-back for this boss? that alone nearly killed my motivation to beat him; they did so good at removing "boss runs" in this game so for there to just be a random 30 second walk back to a 2-phase boss is insanely annoying

His second phase needs really good dodging. You can't tank his attacks because the DoT he does is very punishing.

This, Malenia was 70 attempts with a 2h greatsword, still didn't learn anything during my attempt I actually beat her.
Malekith was maybe a second try boss, most of his attacks struggled to hit whej I was underneath him.

this, there's absolutely no reason to not have a stake right outside his room

you can do it

distract him with a summon and use something ranged

I mean, he is hard but it's about avoiding getting hit and doing damage quickly. Use Mimic Tear, maybe Respec for INT/DEX and run Moonveil. Summon if you need to. It's better than giving up on the game.

I just wish his p2 healed him to full.
He seems like a really good fight but p2 is over before you really get into it.
Makes the fight feel like a race rather than an actual battle.

I refuse to use spirit ashes, I won't do it.

based as FUCK

Better than the dragon underneath the fucking tornado.

Just summon. Difficulty in these games is extremely subjective depending on your build, playstyle and weapon.
Even if you respec there's no guarantee you'll be any good with the new playstyle.

So just summon and eventually you'll replay the game with a different playstyle and probably be surprised with how easy it was.

Also this If you wanted you could run DMGS and throw blades of moonlight at him while hiding behind pillars and letting Mimic grab his attention.

what the fuck happened?? did they design this area before they added stakes to the game? legit the most retarded fucking bosses to skip having stakes on

It's a basic part of the game. The bosses are designed around you using them. You're handicapping yourself to the point that you're about to simply drop the game because you're refusing to play it the way they intended for you to.

That's fucking retarded. Don't let Any Forums's elitism ruin the game for you.

Use flame of the redmanes
He eats shit in two fucking puffs

I literally and unironically beat him on my first try
Mind you he got staggered by dual giant-crushers really easily, so that didn't hurt. Was one of the few late-game bosses where using those weapons wasn't fucking cancer

>bloodhound step
you cheesed the game

single player game... hard. are soulsjank players all retarded? your fighting ai that doesnt even have any ai and input reads, so youre basically partially in control of the enemy. it isnt going to adapt or try new strategies like a person. how can you say its hard? unfair maybe? bullshit? janky? but not difficult.

I guess a job and regular sex a normal life, regular dopamine levels, exercising and not going bald were to big of a distraction.

I killed him on my 3rd try. I kept dying because I forgot about the arena ledges.

It's my own "elitism", I also disagree with the notion it's intended and the game is designed around it, that has always sounded like cope to me. And if it IS designed around spirit ashes the game has no value.

What...? Prove it. Nobody can be this fucking bad.

Use the pillars dumb dumb

I beat the entire game at level 110 with a bleedless str build and no summoning/spirit ashes
they might be useful as a crutch if you need them but they're not necessary at all
like every other souls game, ER is beatable without getting hit as a base level wretch with a club

I clobbered him with my great stars +25

No, I'm not saying you should use them if you're fine without, I'm saying that if you're struggling as hard as OP is against a single boss and you refuse to use the advantages the game offers, that's the fault of the player, not the devs.

Then why are they present? The devs put them in the game for players to use them. If you can overcome a challenge without them, bully for you but like I said above, it's still intentionally handicapping yourself even though you're clearly not up to that challenge.

Give me one downside to using them? Everything in this game has some cost attached to it, R1ing a boss means you found an opening and exploited it or you took a risk and swung at the boss and now have to react to what comes next. Spellcasting has cast time, R2's take time, jump attacks require slightly more commitment, weapon arts still require an opening most of the time. What about using summoning ashes makes bosses harder or makes them more interesting to fight?

Then congratulations, you fell for the Any Forums meme, keep trying user, maybe you'll finally git gud and beat him at the 7000th try. Or just uninstall the game since it's obviously too hard for you with all of those self-imposed restrictions lmao. Just a tip, dual wielding colossals with buffs and only using jump + L1 to maximize your punish damage is a perfectly valid strategy against him. But that is assuming you can dodge everything he throws at you, if not, there's always Bloodhound Step.