Hands down best game in Yakuza series

dankuza 0 faggots will seethe and screech

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yakuza 4 is the best one because of akiyama, akiyama needs his own game

They're all boring soap operas with repetitive simplistic gameplay and too much filler.

you must be one of those homosexuals I have read about

Rubber bullets.

that's not 2

The best one is actually Ishin.

Toss up between this and 5 desu


unpopular opinion, but i respected it.

based, this 0 and judgment are the best. 7 is dogshit.

better than mR.gAyDoWn.

>7 is dogshit
>Every 60 Seconds in Africa a Minute Passes

I kinda agree, but I also loved 0.
Imo the overrated ones are 5 and 2.

Also why is Lost Judgment such a piece of shit storywise compared to Judgment? Who thought solving teenager problems as quests was a good idea?

sucks judgment 3 is probably cancelled because of johnny's, lost judgment had some of the best combat in any rgg game
>7 is dogshit.
that's offensive to dog shit

bro, i didn't play judgement yet, chill down..

>2 overrated
found the kiwami only user

kiwami 2 was bullshit

4 is worst


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guys, we found some faggot here.

Well, at least you didn't say 5. 4 at least is a fun as fuck trainwreck