I wish he just tried to do something new instead of making an Undertale sequel...

I wish he just tried to do something new instead of making an Undertale sequel. I've played the Deltarune chapters and he completely failed in recreating the magic of Undertale; furthermore his demo/fanbase is aging and might not even be interested in the series once he has an actual game for sale. I suppose this is what that kind of 'internet' creator breed he's from always does, just iterates constantly on the same formula.

Attached: TobyFox.png (378x320, 306.36K)

>caring about trannytale
>caring about deltatroon

shouldnt their be children in your discord to groom you fucking faggot cum worshiping seaman demon. you will never be a woman. you can change sex. I will NOT take my meds
fuck you . you tranny libertarian peice of shit

Deltarune is the game he always wanted to make, Undertale was just his warmup

Reject Hackfraud Toby
Embrace Mastermind Joel G

Attached: Es7lRaJVgAAHqfi-mayun_iki.png (1250x1500, 78.36K)

You can?

sorry you cant change your sex

what runs through the autistic brain when they have as much money as him?
total sociopaths like bezos only live to keep making more money, and failed normies like notch just collapse into depression
what goes on in the mind of a guy like tobey?

This is why few indie devs get respect other than Supergiant.
We need successful indie devs to create their own studios and make AAA quality games.
With all that money he could have made something really incredible instead of settling for another limited experience.

the need to further the arts. through any means necessary

If he really cared about furthering video games he'd put his money behind it.

Toby's only big mistake is playing up the pacifism shit and therefore feeling the need to keep it going in DT. As a result he's struggling to keep pacifist options interesting. I'm actually finding fighting more fun in DT since the attack minigame is kinda neat while a lot of the time pacifist has become "do this action to make percent go up".

Hasn't he done precisely that? What do you think is funding deltarune?

I won't play chapter 2 until 3 comes out. No reason to keep playing an unfinished game that may or may not even carry your save over.

No shit. You think he'll magically release a new IP and have it go big again? He's shacked to Undertale. If he wants money then thats what he'll do. If he wants to be reminded of how lucky he was he'll try something new and watch it fail like 90% of games.

kill yourself tobypoopy

You think him living off his fortune while he slowly pretends to work on a barebones "sequel" is him putting his money behind it? Are you fucking retarded?

Attached: DK Shake.gif (165x180, 27.01K)

Deltarune is literally just another basic looking jrpg, he probably makes enough off Undertale in a month to fund all of Deltarune.

He's not pretending if he's actually got something to show for it. And it's already established that he's hired an actual team for the rest of the game. Again where do you think that money came from?
Again that's literally what he's done.

tobes, just give us a rundown
how are you doing?

I believe user was alluding to something with actual production value, not something that looks hardly improved from when he was a broke indie dev.

You realize that shit engine was a indie compromise right? He could really make something incredible and game an actual AAA quality game.
He's literally just making an Undertale clone and you're claiming he's trying at all to further the art.

This autist should stick to making exclusively music and commissions for other games at extreme prices.
I can't stomach his "plots" anymore. I think he's really playing to the underage crowd now.

Attached: you look upset.jpg (151x210, 19.46K)

Am I the only one that thinks this Toby picture is that incel shooter guy every time it gets posted?

If he didn't make it big with Undertale he would have definitely trooned out by now

But deltarune does look better than undertale. There's a shit load more "actual quality pixelart he clearly paid someone for" and less "something he clearly did on his own".

If you're expecting a AAA quality game I think you're probably overestimating how much money Toby has made and/or underestimating how much one takes to fund. Remember when Notch tried to single handedly fund psychonauts 2 only for Tim to tell him how much it would cost?

This is literally the only good picture of toby fox

You are actually retarded TOP KEK. yeah nigger pixel art here and there is a real big improvement.
Back in the 90s when young men developers had a brain and balls, they would start their own teams and studios and take on that risk.
Toby can stay shitting out RPG maker games for children though and thats fine, the games are fine. Just don't pretend he's attempting at all to further the art or industry.

He isn't making an Undertale sequel. Undertale was Deltarune's prequel. His entire driving goal for making video games at all is to recreate the ending for Deltarune he saw in a fever dream over a decade ago.

He's making the same game again no matter what you want to call it.

Yes. He's making the same game. You're the one confusing it for multiple games.

>Back in the 90s when young men developers had a brain and balls, they would start their own teams and studios and take on that risk.
That's literally what Toby has done and said 90s devs would make fucking games with pixelart. Also his games aren't RPG maker.
>Just don't pretend he's attempting at all to further the art or industry.
All I'm "pretending" is that he's clearly used the money made from undertale to fund deltarune. Which is obvious as he hasn't made any sort of kickstarter for DT. As far as "further the art or industry". I think he's doing something right when every other thread on here is talking about what he's made when he releases something.

>I wish he just tried to do something new instead of making an Undertale sequel.
But Undertale was the beta test game for Deltarune. He's said this before, Deltarune was his original idea but he thought it was too ambitious so he made Undertale to test his ideas for Deltarune.

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>Undertale was Deltarune's prequel
>thinking something that spawned from the mind of an autist that worked on Homestuck and is severely inspired by it will ever have simple narrative choices and won't just make a complete mess out of everything the more it goes on and on
>to the point you can't even know if a game is a secuel, precuel, alternative universe/timeline or all of the above

Haven't seen much of this ambition so far. I'd be happy to be surprised but doubt anything amazing is coming