Mankind Divided

Why did people hate this Deus Ex again?
Sure, it wasn't as good as Human Revolution or the original Deus Ex and it could've been a bit longer but it's not a bad game by any means. Certainly not bad enough to kill the franchise, I hope

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Deus ex bros…I miss him

I miss him too, user

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>and it could've been a bit longer
People must play games very differently from me, I spent ages exploring Prague, and the story plus side missions were plenty of content. It's not like the original is very long either

set up tons of plot with zero resolution
only one hub, a good one but still, makes it feel like you're not actually making any progress

I didn't like that they made fear of transhumanism an allegory for racism. Doesn't make much sense and just disinterests me.

People don't hate it they just hate SEs shitty business practices tied to it. The gameplay is better than HR and the enivorments while not as varied as HR are great for speedrunning.

I agree. I spend the same amount of time on HR as I did on MD and enjoyed both games thoroughly

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it just ends when it gets good
blatant sequel bait to set up the universe shit
launch was just stupid with augment your pre-order shit and squenix nickel and dimming

>they just hate SEs shitty business practices tied to it.
And they doubled down when Avengers and Guardians came. It's like they're slowly siphoning the jewery from the other publishers.

user, did you skip Human Revolution where Augs go "psycho" and start murdering/harming unaugs?

That's why (like 2 years later) people were still distrustful of Augs and segmented them. Was Square Enidos' method hamfisted? Absolutely, but you can see what they were going for with the sequel in terms of impact of that moment/event.

Too short, you can finish it in like 6 hours on "Give me Deus Ex" if using a silenced lethal or non-lethal gun.

Prague as a hubworld would be fine if the other levels weren't short and not able to go back to (the Golem City could've been SO MUCH MORE than it was).

The Jail DLC redeems the whole game by virtue of having you change up your playstyle for it.

Captcha: DXNJM

>I didn't like that they made fear of transhumanism an allegory for racism
What't funny is that it happened before the 2020 shitwhow that was Fentanyl Floyd followed by the peaceful but, fiery & property-destroying BLM riots

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Half of a game at full price planning to finish it in paid DLC that never happened.

>great for speedrunning
who gives a single fuck about speedrunners, honestly?

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>Too short, you can finish it in like 6 hours on "Give me Deus Ex"
And HR is only 8 hours long if you add the DLC that the base game didn't have. Both games have enough content, HR just has useless padding.

I disagree. MD felt like they cut the story in half to sell the back-half (the effects of the event in London) if the game sold decently. It feels far shorter than HR's story.

I am not sure they did. I mean, are minorities kept behind barbed wires and asked to show 100 different papers with a new one created every day and being thrown in the ghetto if they don't have it?

I think triangle guys wanted human augmentation so they could implement a chip that would disarm every soldiers their commandos could encounter, and when it failed, they decided to remove all augs except their dogs.

But after the exact same shitshow that was kid Tray and Gentle Giant the shopowner shaker.

On top of the obvious issues (constraining hub, no resolutions, short), the way the plot presents the antagonists and looming threat just feels...bad. I get that I was a rent-a-cop in the last game but it functionally feels like I've been demoted. I saved the entire planet in HR and now I'm pumping local toughs for information in Prague. There's no escalation.

It was $60.

>MD felt like they cut the story in half to sell the back-half
Do you have any proof?
In a R*ddit AMA Elias Toufexis mentioned that they had to rewrite the game's story. Maybe they ended reusing parts of it that made sense so that's why there is so little "main story" content yet so many side missions?

not for me

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What mods or patches should I install before play this?

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Iirc there was a ton of controversy over the preorder bonuses, which soured it for a lot of people. Very sad, because I did not care in the slightest and now one of my favorite franchises is ruined.

That could be the case. London/ending felt like it was setting up for far more than "yay, you defeated the mole. Now... uh... wait for Adam Jensen 3.0 or more DLC."

Gameplay wise its way better then HR in fact its probably best in the series. DX1 with MD's gameplay would be masterclass. Sadly the story is dumb, DX was never about augs they were simply background dressing