For the next 20 years or so, every military shooter will be "Putin is le bad guy"

>for the next 20 years or so, every military shooter will be "Putin is le bad guy"

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Other urls found in this thread: of the cold war&oq=end of the cold war&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l9.2963j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

And he is.
Russia never stopped being the bad guy in popular culture though. There were just more popular villains for a while.

So nothing will be different?
The only enemies in shooters are Russians, Nazis, and Muslims.


What about a military shooter set in China? Checkmate.

You need to kill yourself & fast, Your Grandfather literally fought wars for you to protect your mother and you're masturbating to animals


Here's your You, tranny

>your grandfather fought so you could live
>so you should kill yourself

Good thing I haven't touched a military shooter in a decade. I'm too old for that gay shit.

I dunno, our countries back then were worth fighting for, who cares about fighting for them now. Grandpa can watch me masturbate for all I care.

Yeah, it's kind of like this

Whoa, how did you post that upside down??

What if they are german and their grandfather fought wars to exterminate the disabled? He'd be fulfilling his grandfathers greatest wishes by not reproducing.

The hot war

Based christcuck

I agree with your statement

No he fought wars so his descendants can be molested and brainwashed by pedophiles.

I can't fucking believe it's 2022 and the world still hasn't united to make an anthro wife for every man a reality.

nah, russians have revealed themselves to be completely incompetent. a shooter with them as the villain wouldnt work because they arent threatening. hell, turkey makes a more credible threat.
china as the enemy would work but western media is completely cucked by them so it'll never happen either.
back to arab terrorists i suppose?

who are you quoting

I mean he's invading a country so I don't think that's good. Yes America bad too.

Why yes, I do fantasize about fucking anthropomorphic animal women, how could you tell?

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We'll be able to play as Nazis fighting the evil Putin, though.

Crimea is rightful russian clay

>>for the next 20 years or so, every military shooter will be "Putin is le bad guy"
When did this change russian are literally evil and history shows this enough times already.

It is truly a dark future we live in. No one has their eye on the prize anymore.

"Russia is incompetent" says the propaganda machine of a country currently rolled by Russia.

Russia has been the bad guy for ages in fps, what are you talking about?
Probably now they will become the fumbling idiot secondary villains

Russia never stopped being "the heavies" they just stopped being the out and out villains with instead that being taken over by old hardliners Ala COD modern war literally being about Russian military revolutionaries invading the US.

Putin is an old KGB thug/crime family liason and easily fits that mold but the world was pretending he was legit for a while because we wanted to get on with our lives and also it was kind of funny how he kept killing people and getting away with it.

The funny part is this whole mess in Ukraine barely involves the US except through our NATO obligations, it's literally the neighbor countries getting spooked. After all this is unironically what NATO was founded for, to prevent the Soviet Union from invading western Europe. The time, context, and locals have changed slightly and unexpectedly, but it's still the same fundamental thing.

>we were all taught in school that the cold war ended in the 90's
>surprise! it didn't fucking end at all! it was just put on hold
>back to the exact same "proxy war" and "fear of nuclear annihilation" bullshit that happened in the 60's-80's, except this time the economy is fucked, and surveillance is absolute, so civilians don't even have easy lives anymore

things only get worse, nothing has improved in years, we are living in the worst time
>boomers: but you have computers and cars, so life must be easier for you compared to me as a kid!
yeah, and you could steal and commit crimes whenever you wanted without any way to track you, it's alarming how many boomers just say "just do X" and I have to tell them that X is COMPLETELY FUCKING ILLEGAL and they just respond with "we did it all the time when I was younger" because there wasn't constant surveillance and advanced tracking tools

I hate everything about modern life

you'd never even heard of ukraine until the start of this month, faggot

Your anthro waifurs will either be AIs in a roomba body or modified humans (mostly male). Good luck

Who gives a flying fuck about Russia? Post more Bnuuy before the thread 404's.

didn't read, just came for bnnuy

>we were all taught in school that the cold war ended in the 90's
You went to a shitty school.

Joke’s on you, my grandfather earned an iron cross

How regular russian citizen is evil exactly?

God I wish I was an awesome contrarian like you. You must get all the bitches with your edginess and smelly personality.

China will probably once again become an antagonist in these shooters since they've sided with Russia over Ukraine. In the last few years game companies were trying their damnedest to kiss chink ass for some reason, probably trying to gain a foothold in the massive Chinese market. of the cold war&oq=end of the cold war&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l9.2963j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


But it's not the /fa/ ones so it's bad again

>implying my country needs to be on permanent war to not collapse
My ancestors made my country free so if I wanted to masturbate to a cartoon bunny I could.

>for the next 20 years or so, every school shooter will be "Putin is le good guy"

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Im thankful I had a great history teacher.

Fpbp. You are not a true American if you don't like shooting video game Russians.

Russians will be enemies in videogames again? Im okay with that

good, finally nazis are the good guys

Attached: Emblem_of_the_Azov_Battalion.svg.png (1200x1577, 181.43K)

have you ever met russians irl? they are literally scum, theyre like gypsies (or niggers if youre american) in white skin. corrupt thieving retards who turn everything around them into shit.

Post it.

>*lust inducing image*
>dumbass political message

China won't become the bad guy as long as the chicoms still allow wester vidya to enter their market.
Even though now they don't accept anything, all western Devs still want to get into the drone market of chinks buying 500millon copies of the one allowed game

There is a project for that tho.

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This. Russians have some kind of depraved fetish for spreading misery around. It's almost religious for them. They fucking DREAM about bringing other countries down to their level.

Ha ha what a cool little Bunny

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>On both sides
What the fuck even is this war?

Hello, Ivan. Don't you have Ukrainians to bomb? Does Vlad know you are wasting time on a Mongolian basket weaving image board?

it'll flop, the ccp jews will boycott the game because of its racist message against asians or whatever

the rabbit's got a fat butt

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Country vs country for land and not ideology

I'm not convinced of that. Gonna need to see proof.

ok, but why did the make the bunny so sexy in the film?

silly user, the only pre-approved enemies in modern FPS vidya are
>Brown people

wait what? i'm not sure i understand.

I jerked it so much to this comic.

If we can get Republicans added to that list then we'll be good for the next 20+ years.

don't forget that 2-3 year period where koreans were the bad guys in every movie and a handful of games

and what comic would that be

This. Furries should kill themselves. Imagine being exposed to the beauty of the human female form then wanting to fuck an animal. Furshit feet can't even compare to human feet.

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>every military shooter
anyone who plays those is a lost cause

But Russians are cancelled and their military looks incompetent (they will win in the end though). Shouldn't that mean that no russians in future games?

>exposed to the beauty of the human female form
Said the anime-watching nonce.

your grandfather was a furry too

>anime and foot fag
Opinion discarded

>beauty of the human female form
The what now?

coney rabbit

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>human female form
>post anime

So no different than the last 20 years?

kill yourself
i swear im not a furry and not a coomer either, i haven't watched any porn since 2019 but there's something about this picture

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>Your Grandfather went to another country on a different continent and got himself killed fighting a pointless war
>this is somehow a good thing
americans really are brainwashed, aren't they?

>this whole mess in Ukraine barely involves the US
Except for covert weapon supplies, NATO training programs (read: CIA) and literal ISIS sandnigger tier strategies being employed by Ukrainian defense (guess who trained them). That's not even going into Hunter Biden conspiracy theories and all the US funding Ukraine was receiving openly and covertly despite US MSM harping for 8 years about how Ukraine was taken over by far-right maniacs.