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Stone toss is based cuck

I have never accepted or sent a single friend request to anyone I've played with online

same and 15 years later I wish I did

>TFW Every time i try to contact my old school friends on steam they dont reply to me

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I have literally never once had an internet friend of any sort, unless Any Forums counts as a friend.

>Every time
if someone doesnt want to talk to you the first time you should probably take the hint

How about you don't be a low testosterone coward bitch and say you're not interested in being friends anymore, you faggot

I do this but moreso to not spam people with
>user is now playing Skyrim VR
>user is now playing Skyrim VR
>user is now playing Skyrim VR
>user is now playing Skyrim VR
while troubleshooting shit type of situations

>Get an unsolicited DM from some random just looking for friend
>Block him, switch to a different sever

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>Doing quest in MMO
>Somebody obviously on the same quest
>They invite you
>Immediately alt f4
haha im normal

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Good thread

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I only play with friends I know irl

>also an incel and an epic gamer
every time

>being ignored by your old school friends who don't want to speak to you anymore but still messaging several times to try get a resonse
>calling anyone a faggot
my childhood and school friends still are my friends lmao

Beard near the mic.

You are winner, ha ha ha
You are winner, ha ha ha

What's a chud

chad + stud

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Where's the among us????!!!!

kind of over the top image isn't it? really not very realistic.. the consequences for saying cracker aren't that severe

fuck off brazilian monkey.

The funny part is that this nigger can be funny and obviously is aware how he dumbs down his own shit to grift retards.
