Game has a diverse cast of unique and well written characters

>game has a diverse cast of unique and well written characters

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Me and my bros playing their custom character human fighters.

genuinely good post, wasted on Any Forums

cute boys, shame they never fucked, good crossdress art though

>He doesn't main Captain

So was half of the anime a dream?

>hold sword wrong way
>take damage

I wasn't a fan of the Hopper arc to be honest.

Makovich betrayal was half-ass to be honest

I know this sounds retarded, but Daily Lives of High School boys felt like the Japanese equivalent of Ed, Edd n Eddy since it has focus on three boys who would sometimes get in trouble

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The main boy stop being relevant and they pointed this out later on.

I watched this show like 10 times, shame it never got another season.

i love this dork so much its unreal

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Doesn't one of the boys crossdress

>author stopped making more because it got popular in the west

what an idiot, hope he dies a gruesome woodchipper death


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It's Ed Edd n Eddy if Eddy basically left the show and was replaced by Kevin

Didn't it end because it sold like absolute fucking dogshit?

It has slapstick humor and God tier SFX?

Why dorks so cute, bros? What is it in our DNA that makes them so attractive?

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