2017 was 5 years ago

>2017 was 5 years ago
and video games have only gotten worse.

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2019 was a better year for video games than 2017

Can't believe it's been that long already, days just blend together.

2017... good times.... goooood tiimes..... I feel so old


how the fuck is my first year of college 5 years ago? It felt like literally yesterday aaaaaaah fuck covid

2016 was a good year. Got my first job post MBA, was done with college forever, got new 4K TV etc. 2017 ended great but 2018 was shit and it's been mediocre ever since.

I graduated college in 2017 and took a break to play botw and p5. good times. life sucks as a working adult.

Code red was a better Mountain Dew

Gaming today is dying

97 was better

This. I make 120K a year but the crippling fear of losing my job and the stress associated with performing is going to break me. That said my vidya collection is fuck huge now and owning a house is cool.

what did you do after college?
t. senior and have no clue

my first year of college was 15 years ago

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I miss Ice Piss. Best live streams period. No one has surpassed them.

Move back in with parents and become alcoholic because you cant get a job even thought you have meme degree.

DitF is so fucking shitty and trash and people who like it are fucking retards.

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I wasted 2 years of my life because I got a meme degree. third year I went and did my GRE and got into a middling MBA program. Spent 3 years working on that, with my last year being spent in an internship.

Now I am at my second Fortune 100 company but it took literal years for me to not be worthless and desu life was better when I was just chilling.

Fuck off.

I was thinking law school because a grad degree in my field is a waste of money. I just don't want to be an adult yet.
>inb4 debt
my parents are paying my way through school

ancient gamer thread?

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the world has gotten worse not just video games. the world actually did end in 2012 but not physically

Law school is a meme. All of my law friends either went into unrelated fields or make no money. Market is too saturated.

If you can find something you like in business I would still recommend getting an MBA as business degrees can be applicable like anywhere.

Zoomer bros, I miss 2010-2016

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