Lay down your weapons it is not too late for my mercy

>Lay down your weapons it is not too late for my mercy
Why was there no option to join him

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Other urls found in this thread:

Have you tried laying down your weapons?

deadline had to be met. its pretty obvious that you should have been able to join him with all the extra dialogue if you charm some of his servants

>tfw the Dagoths are complete bros and just want to share a drink with you

why was this guy evil in the first place?
i never beat morrowind

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They've probably run out of time. The Sixth House is a faction in-game, there's some leftover dialogue, I think it was on the drawing board at the very least.

He's infecting everyone with ash AIDS

idk building a nation state and driving imperialist kikes out might be cool and all but not at the cost of lobotomising your people that shit is just retarded

He might've been bluffing, in the dialogue to him he basically says he would accept your offer but he's come too far to accept the possibility of betrayal:
I considered offering to accept your oath of service. You might try to buy my trust by giving me Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder. I thought we might once again be friends... comrades... brothers in arms. But I have won this place and power by right of conquest. By right of daring and enterprise. I will not risk it to cunning and deceit. I offer you no deals. If you are my enemy, I cannot trust you. And even if you are not my enemy, I cannot let you live. It will all be decided here. I believe I will prevail. But I cannot be sure, and I am vain enough that, should I fall, I would wish to be remembered in my own words.

Spreading a disease that turns people into mindless spaghetti monster servants, as well as wanting to genocide all non-dunmers.

that could be a quick cop out when they had to cut everything
we'll never know for sure but as another user said, there is a sixth house faction and the sheer amount of extra dialogue written points to joinable imo unless some dev definitely said joinable or not

he was your bro but touched the thing he wasn't supposed to touch and went mad.
meanwhile the tribunals actually killed you.


Vivec gives you Wraithguard and 4 scraps of paper, is gay
Almalexia sends you to do her dirty work then tries to kill you, killed Sotha Sil
Sotha Sil is just NEETing the whole time in his gear city

wouldn't have made sense if you could just subvert the nerevarine prophecy, or let him power up the new numidium and cause another fucking dragon break, not letting you join him was the right decision

hes not


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looking at concept arts like this you really have to wonder what the fuck they were smoking when they made such a marvelous world into a game

So now that the dust has settled, were you even the Nerevarine or were you just a guy who did everything everybody told you to?

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morrowind answer: he isn't
full TES lore answer: he was possesed by an entity that is basically satan

yes you are 100%
all these discussions is so retarded just because one ashlander wise women said a single line you could be or you could not i dont know
fuck off bitch you do literally fulfill everything from the prophecy
i honestly dont understand how this is debated all these years

There really wasn't a good way for them to incorporate you joining the Sixth House, having it so Dagoth Ur simply refuses to let you ally with him knowing that it's practically a guaranteed risk to get stabbed in the back was a good justification and a great way of characterizing Dagoth Ur's lack of selflessness

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who do you think the nerevarine was supposed to be, if not someone to follow azura's prophecy


Future games' lore tends to downplay the actual impact of PCs from previous games. I imagine the Dragonborn will mostly be a footnote in some random books and didn't have too much of an impact on the war in the long run. Nerevarine or not, you were just playing some random asshole in the end.

You are the Nerevarine because you fulfilled the prophecy and ended A
Dagoth and the Tribunal.

That doesn't necessarily mean you were the only possible person who could, but you did, so it was you.

I hope you didn't do anything unsavory to obain that mask, user.

Fuck now I want to play morrowind


I'm going to be really disappointed if this is the case. Everything seems so set up for the Last Dragonborn to take the ruby throne and begin a new dragonborn dynasty like tiber septim

incorporate what? the alternative is killing him and ending the game
why not at least make a different cutscene and let you join him and end the game?

Oh me? No way

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i thought he just achieved inverse chim

Who is the dead guy on the floor?

>What are you do-

Why was there no option to join Mehrunes Dagon? Jyggalag?Alduin? Miraak? or Harkon?

Because Bethesda is fucking lazy and unimaginative that's why

His face and feet cut off so he could reincarnate in other races

I've only played Morrowind and Skyrim, is it worth playing oblivion at this point. I bought it on sale like 5 years ago and never played it, i don't really know why

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Jiggerligger and Dagoth Ur are the only ones who are moderately sensible to join up with

quests are better than skyrim, combat is worse. world is kinda empty but the towns are cool

Great sidequests, dogshit main quest

Should have been fpbp

No, Nerevar is clearly the one being impaled
the floor guy is (Voryn) Dagoth [Ur] and he isn't dead

I am retarded and didn't read it properly

Because he's doing this to people

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tried to build a mechanical god-like thing while also infecting his own people with basically dream aids with the rare chance of turning them into demigods that could not only help them exile all outlanders from morrowind and reclaim their land, but allow for them to completely reshape the nature of existence, which is why dagoth wanted to use the heart of lorkhan specifically.

basically they were going to completely destroy tamriel and mundus entirely along with the daedric realms snd start all over as gods of a new world.

Has some of the best quests and stories in the series, atmosphere and lore isn't as unique or cool as Morrowind but its still a good game. Feels dated today but I can go and still sink hours into it

My most favorite tes game. Side quests are superb.

TES lore is fucking horrifying

They're doing it to themselves

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why is almalexia such a hooer

If you do end up playing it, OpenMW. Honestly it's such an improvement over the original engine. Lots of quality of life fixes and it's stable as fuck, no crashes whatsoever.

PS. I like how whenever there's a thread about Deus Ex, Morrowind or VTM: Bloodlines someone's just bound to reinstall one of 'em.