When did EC jump the shark?

When did EC jump the shark?

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I dont remember being shown a single one of these that I found tolerable.

People will say it was some social justice bullshit, but it was actually way back, when they said "we are going to run out of Internet guize!?!"

James revealed himself as a full-blown special Ed retard with that one. Glad Dan blew them off and went off on his own, his stuff is really good.


Isn't that the guy who looks at an orc, thinks of black people, and insists that everyone else is racist for being intelligent enough to tell the difference between a black person and an orc?

Did they ever drop the high pitched voice effect? I tried watching one of their videos when they were first starting out and it was so grating I could only last like 30 seconds. Immediately dropped it and never looked back.

No idea I don't watch crap.

Extra History jumped the shark when they sold it off to the new guy though. The kino we were getting just before the end were based beyond belief.

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Whenever they left The Escapist with that fake ass sob story that was mostly false.

He's always been a far left tranny shill

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The screencap where he compares an orc to an old black lady is hilarious. I don't know how anyone thought it was ok.

Why did you forget about him Any Forums?


That entire debacle was hilarious

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>has a meltdown over sexism in gaming

>whitewashes Khan's countless number of rapes to make him seem cool

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when he became a girl

The Genghis series was written by a guest writer.

When the guy with the beard said Total Biscuit was a hack for taking money from publishers to give them good reviews when TB was actually the only one fighting for disclosure requirements on youtube and gaming journo sites and was attracting huge amount of flack from anti-gg people at the time because of it.

The Spirit Science episode for sure


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I missed this, was it before or after he said having nazis in a game, even as bad guys, is promoting fascism?

After they fired the guy who sounded like Linus.

>There you are, playing the PvP in your World War 2 shooter, and all of the sudden, you're a Nazi.
>You didn't ask for this.
>You didn't choose this.
>Yet, there it is.
>And it's treated no differently than playing a British soldier.

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To jump shark you need to be at good quality levels at start

The ork one is extra hilarious, since 40k orks should be the antithesis to every point they try to make, since they're based on white soccer hooligans and fight because they enjoy it and simply can't conceive of the idea of other races not enjoying it, but 40k is NEON NAZI because muh emprah, so they had to spend time accidentally debunking themselves to get an "own" on 40k.

When the original guy sold it.. It was always a little cringe but when the ownership change it became giga cringe.

Orkz are literally the only good guys in 40k

To be fair, the likeness is uncanny

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If you liked the original sqeaky-voice-filter guy, he still makes shit on three other channels: youtube.com/channel/UCZdeTNJjBFMnImFBRYyfi0g

the missile command one.

I also fucking hate how this retard says "manevolent" instead of "malevolent"

I'm glad people still remember this

They were never good.
They never said anything useful.
And James Portnow is basically a fraud. You can't call yourself a gamedev if all you worked on was consulting and a cancelled COD game.

>the time when they unironically defended lootboxes

Look, I know it's a lost cause at this point to fight against lootboxes but you can still call it out for being a predatory system, you don't have to defend it.

malevolent and benevolent are two different words user

>give allies and axis separate ques
>if the axis has a shorter que artificially raise it
These videos aren't made by game designers anymore I take it

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You know what hilarious? Old blizzard writers came out and said they were right lmao.

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I don't even know which games they're referring to with Orcs = black people rhetoric.

Can't be Warcraft because those are Mongolians based on culture (HORDE, shamanism), architecture/armor and also loosley based on vikings too. Hell even word of God said Orcs are strongly based on Mongols.

LotR orcs are just corrupted elves.

I don't play DnD so I dunno bout that one.

Those are youtube's auto generated captions trying to make sense of the bullshit

Pretty clear Dan was the only intelligent one on the team
Their video about the myth of the gun was really fuckin good though

but I downloaded the game and probably paid for it, wouldn't that mean I DID ask for it?

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>his stuff is really good.
Got a link?

It was mainly DnD if I remember correctly, something with them not being able to assimilate to civilized cultures very well since they were so barbaric and would get into fights and destroy things no matter where they go. There was even a part saying that even if an orc were raised as another normal being they would never be able to truly be rid of the barbarisms within them.

I hate extra credits as much as the next guy, but for the love of god, actually watch the video, at least up until that point.
They bring up the "orcs = black" thing only because it was being discussed on twitter at the time (and this because of WotC), and then they explicitly state that they're NOT going to discuss that angle, and instead they talk about just general RP shit.
Do your own research instead of letting some Any Forumstroons warp your opinion with out-of-context screenshots

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When they started making videos about spirit aliens and jews from mars etc.

But you usually get to choose your team. I'm not saying he's right but you aren't either here

Extra credit please stop trying to defend your racism under a veil of social justice. You legitimately think African Americans are a destructive force, and that any destructive force in fiction is suppose to protect them. Get some help

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>pinned comment
>EDIT: Hey folks, so this one seems to have struck a nerve
I hate how neoliberal faggots type online

>we're not going to talk about how it's racist, EVEN THOUGH IT IS, we're gonna talk about how it's bad world design
>it's bad world design because it's racist
>the end

>seems to have struck a nerve
>we're amused that you're upset

how come it's hard for these faggots to ever admit that "wow I said some stupid shit", it's always some passive aggressive shit

even here where it's completely anonymous I will still admit that I made some dumbfuck posts

but is pretty obvious orks are niggers.

>Spend $150,000 on Game Design School
>Nobody wants to hire your untalented ass
>Start a Youtube Channel lecturing people on them instead
>AKSHSULUUULLLY I'm an *INDIE* dev so I *have* authority!

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what's even the point of watching them now that the only guy who actually knows his shit has his own channel.


Exactly. It's just passive aggressive speech that veils his actual feelings about it