Am I going crazy?

Am I going crazy?

I've been looking for this item, jumping back from Grace to Grace in Limgrave, Liurnia, and Caelid for like an hour trying to find it.
It wasn't until I got to Atlus Plateu that I found a nomadic merchant who sells it, but that's besides the point.

I SWEAR that this item was being sold a lot sooner in the game, as I vividly remember seeing it in a shop somewhere in Limgrave (or maybe it was the Roundtable). I remember seeing it, thinking, nah, I'll come back to it, and passing up the chance to buy it.

Could this have been moved with the first patch of the game?
Just want to know if I was one of the few who actually noticed.

>Item is Tree Surcoat

Attached: 20220324_153623.jpg (4160x3120, 3.66M)

You are indeed going crazy. It was always there at the merchant later on.

You're probably mistaking it for the armor that the lady sells at the Roundtable or something else

It was at that altus merchant pre patch. I got it my first playthrough from that bridge merchant and I beat the game 3 times before the patch dropped.

patch moved shit around. Ex. you no longer get the duelist hammer from that one tomb in Limgrave.

I know for a fact it wasn't the knight armor as it looks distinctly different. I knew this because when I was on the hunt looking for the armor I was searching for the "crusader" or "blue crusader" tags on Google because I remember that it distinctly had a cross embroidery on the chest; I mean, upon closer inspection it's a tree. But how could I have remembered something so specific if I had never seen it prior to meeting the Atlas merchant?

>Inb4 you got confused by the Cuckoo Knight armor, Carian Knight armor, or Blue Cloth vest; I have all these armors already and while they look similar to it, I knew neither one of them was the armor I saw before.

Godamn I hate patches wtf is his problem

Okay, if they moved even just one item like that from a specific area than I would assume they definitely shuffled the location of a few other armors.
That's not so hard to believe, is it?

This armour is still at the same guy as it was on day one

You're *definitely* mistaking it for something else regardless. It was always there, since the first version available.

I refuse to believe that as I saw it on my playthrough prior to today (when I found the Atlas merchant) AND I even saw it on my wife's playthrough. I remember trying to convince her to buy it too, but she doesn't like the aesthetic of knight/crusader armor.

These are my best guesses to where it was being sold prior (as my wife hasn't gotten very far, and she saw the armor as well and was helping me look for it)
>Nomadic Merchant by Coastal Cave
>Nomadic Merchant by Siofra River Well
>Isolated Merchant's Shack
>Liurnia Lake Shore Merchant
>Roundtable Armor Vendor

It was never at any of these locations

If you can find me an armor that isn't one of the 4 I mentioned, that looks eerily similar that you can buy in the Limgrave, Caelid, or Liurnia region, then I'm open to that.
Otherwise you won't be able to convince me because I know for a fact I've seen it as the design is very specific in my mind, and I was searching in game and on Google for it (I didn't even find it on Google)
There's no way I could have guessed the look of the armor so down to a T unless I somehow precog'd or deja vu'd somewhere on my playthrough; twice even since I saw it on my wife's playthrough.

And yet I've seen it in a shop prior to this.

It was either there prepatch
I was one of a few people who encountered a very rare bug
I got Mandela'd hard and glitched into another reality

That's how convinced I am.

You saw it on an NPC

I agree with you then, you are going crazy

Who is the NPC and where is their location?

You're calling me crazy, but you're not even attempting to give me a list of armors I could have mistaken it for.

Limgrave Colosseum, dude with the big mace

There's also the cuckoo surcoat which can look similar if your memory is this bad

I've never been to the Limgrave Colosseum; and nope, that's not it. I had that armor prior to my search and actually used it for a long time and until I got the Carian Knight armor.

"The Tree Surcoat Chest Armor can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant West Altus Plateau for 3500 Runes"
"The model of the Tree Surcoat is shared with the Eye Surcoat. Both of these Chest Armors can be used as an alternative to the Chain Armor in the Chain Set"
i'm not gonna read thread

You should have definitely read it because that was a super irrelevant reply.

don't care i'm out :)

See ya, thanks for the bump.