Whatare the cheat code you remember?

whatare the cheat code you remember?

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I remember my 'squad' chief back at boy scouts when I was 6 asked me to remember :
up down left right circle circle L, R, helicopter cheat for GTA 3. Note I didn't play GTA myself, but he said it was important for me to remember it and he scared the shit out of me so I did.

For spore : ADDDNA (currency cheat) moremoney (currency cheat for late game)
For RCT3 : rockefeller

pretty sure that doesn't work anymore

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i remember HESOYAM from san andreas because its a silly sounding word. full health and armour and gives you like $10k
i also remember that in any unreal engine games the noclip command is 'ghost' instead of noclip. you can still do it in UE4


newfags can't triforce

Attached: Triforce_not_yours_.gif (200x200, 44.07K)

up up down down left right left right L R square for PSP
used it to cheat in patapon 2

Attached: 1641545805847.png (780x776, 525.62K)

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If you started posting here after 2006 you’re a newfag




red5 and pinotnoir from Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2

if you werent there the moment that moot registered the domain in that irc chat you are newfag

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This but unironically. Only anons who posted on Something Awful before m00t made Any Forums then you are a newfag

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t. 2008 newfag

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