Prove me that games are art and not manchildren garbage like marvel movies and funko pops

Prove me that games are art and not manchildren garbage like marvel movies and funko pops.

Pic related, art.

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why should I? kill yourself.

survivorship bias
great artwork from history has survived longer than bad artwork from history.
great artwork from the modern day exists at the same time as bad artwork from the modern day

tangentially, movies and video games have no religious significance. modern day patrons of these arts desire money over all else.

Additionally, how does one judge the gameplay of a game as art? how does the art of the gameplay of devil may cry compare to the art of the gameplay of chess. the unique features of the medium must be taken into account when judging the whole work especially against other mediums.

Art is about the glorification of the virtues of God and the human nature.

modern games are anti art, as such they glorify the worst of human vices, greed, murder, violence, lust, etc.

that's why they cant be art.


art is a fundamental aspect of humanity. anything humans create can be considered art. whether that art desires to imitate holiness or not. some would consider religious art to be blasphemy in itself, namely islam. in that sense, art that ignores the divine is the most artistic and the most human.

No, art made by atheists is the most ugliest garbage nonsense ever made.

Is trash about vices and extremelly ugly and is garbage.

You need some form of deeper metafisical spiritual conection to make GOOD art.

i didn't say art made by atheists I said art that isn't about religion.

which only atheists make art about "isnt religion" any religious or even gnostic person makes art about human virtues and their relationship with god.

>Prove me that games are art
Not even art "experts" can fucking agree on what is and what isn't art. Also, the paradigm of the artist changes over time, sometimes the spotlight is on the craft, some times is on the discourse, some times it's the artist life itself.

much classical music while made by the religious cannot be directly said to be about religion without just conflating beauty and the divine to an absurd degree.

bach literally said that music was the glorification of god.


which is why I didn't say all classical music. why do you speak in absolutes.

beauty == spiritual experience virtue and truth.

Is a catharsis related to experiencing the trascendant.

Average art and ugly art doesnt cause the catharsis of watching pure beauty because they lack the spiritual component.

the nutcracker is not about the divine.

>anything humans create can be considered art.
no thanks, i dont agree with your definition. that's retarded and I get that it's a "phase" teenagers go through. but it's silly. and you don't even genuinely believe it yourself. you might as well just say "everything can be considered anything". it's meaningless, and you will grow out of it.

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doesnt need to.

beauty related to the methaphysical.

>Bunch of drawings of dead Jews
Any Forumsis that way.

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while I think most modern art is garbage and most human creations fall under being practical over being beautiful, I still would consider it art. taping a banana to a wall may be fucking retarded and not anywhere near the level of renaissance paintings but its a human creation that is art. a power drill may not evoke emotions like classic literature, but it is still a human creation and is art.

our disagreement in this are is a difference in degree. I say beauty need not be created only via depicting religious iconography, you say beauty in itself is religious. in which case any modern movie or video game (if any such examples exist) containing beauty ends up becoming religious to you or art to me.

talking in more general terms.

I dont mean christian, I mean in a spiritual sense.

He can't understand he doesn't see

You do realize that this kind of perspective has died out centuries ago?

have you been to the sixtine? everything is so small you can barely make anything out, not to mention its always full of people and you MUST move forward because its one big line

Truth is truth.

I dont need jewish philosophers to tell me truth is relative.

They aren't art, they're either propaganda or gambling machines.

Art doesn't sanction people