I miss Metal Gear Solid's special blend of mechs and military autism

I miss Metal Gear Solid's special blend of mechs and military autism

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We all do, son. We all do.

Funny how TPP has the most mech gameplay (Walker Gear) but also two of the worst metal gear designs (Sahelanthropus, Battle Gear).

>set game 20 years before MGS
>have better technology and a fucking gundam

Kojima is a hack

>fake guns

Sahelanthropus would be a lot less insulting if it was not as preposterously tall as it is.

Going to cry that you didn't get to use an AK47 for the five-hundredth game in a row? Suck it up, Frankenguns are cool and I want more. It's not like they took real guns and gave them fake names (that's dumb).

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>It's not like they took real guns and gave them fake names (that's dumb).

Because of Goldeneye I keep calling a vz 61 a Klobb.

I've been saying for years that Rising 2 should star Sunny as the protagonist, and have the game be drone control system shock kinda game, as an exploration of the moral implications of modern drone warfare. As the story progresses, you get bigger combat models like blade wolf, and eventually have to get into a metal gear to slap some sense into Raiden.

Now that Babylon's Fall has killed Platinum, the chances of a Rising 2 are even less than none

>that technique
you're pretty good

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Psycho Snake?
What's a good replacement for the word psycho/psychic that looks like a state of matter?


Mental Snake?

Rising 2 shouldn't exist

Metal Gear Solid 4 was movie game trash. 7 fucking hours worth of cutscenes

mgs4 was great motherfucker

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Volatile Snake

Sahelanthropus was pretty goddamn terrifying the two times you encounter and kill it. Kojima really needs to make a horror game already.

I'm really butthurt by how shitty the open world format gets used for boss fights. Would've been coll if it chased you across the entire map but nooo, he moves maybe down the road and that's it.
Even the god damn dragons in ER reset if you get too far away.

>have a gundam
If you played the game you would have understood it’s exactly like a model gundam but with gunam, it doesn’t actually work
The only reason Sahelanthropus could even move is Pyscho Mantis

MGSV is 6 hours of cutscenes(including a 1 hour jeep ride) and 6 additional ones of tapes you have to listen to know what the 6 hours of cutscenes were about lol.

At least you finally realize open world is fucking stupid.

only because the devs do the lazy thing

Kojima spent all the licensing money on 80s music and couldn't afford the rights to the real guns

You should get a job and teach them how to do it right user :)

You're right user! I SHOULD!

Godspeed user I believe in you.