What the fuck did they change on steam to make these updates suddenly go from near instantaneous to 15 fucking minutes??

What the fuck did they change on steam to make these updates suddenly go from near instantaneous to 15 fucking minutes??

Attached: Steam Slow Updates.png (716x223, 14.76K)

it's your fault for having a garbage HDD/CPU

CPU is like 4 months old. Ryzen 5 5600X
Samsung SSD 860 QVO

unironically this.

>disk usage 96.5 MB/s
that's pretty low user and likely not steams fault

?? This has only been happening for like a week, if even that.

depends on the game and update as well, all its doing right now is based on the SSD

Well what would be causing this then, and how do I go about fixing it?

>What the fuck did they change on steam to make these updates suddenly go from near instantaneous to 15 fucking minutes??
So you don't have to download 20GB to fix missing quest text.

Hmm. So is this an issue with my SSD going out?
I legit thought this was a change to the way steam updates files.

If its faster, I'd prefer downloading 20gb to fix missing quest text, but according to other anons, that doesn't seem to be the actual issue.

could also be the games fault. you never know what kind of shitty indian code is used to update and recompile files

It's whatever that "patching" process is. I think it's for games that are made up of 2 huge pack files instead of everything laid out in folders, instead of re-downloading the entire pack file it's patching in what's new into it.

download CrystalDiskMark and post results

Back in 2012-13, I remember an update to Red Orchestra 2 that had a change log of "fixed broken texture on one map", and it was like 400MB, because the entire map file had to be redownloaded

Running now, 1GiB test.

Attached: Test.png (782x490, 361.73K)

Pic related is whats advertised for this drive.

Attached: Test2.png (1383x920, 1.37M)

Only thing I hate is how the % indicator factors in how much of the file creation/patching has been done nowadays. I'd rather a separate bar for that from the actual download of the patch.

But always fun every time Dead by Daylight gets a 2mb update and then my slow drive cranks out a copy of its 20gb package, to modify the 2mb, to then copy back that 20gb package.

>all that small-text shit
Companies should be required to only be allowed to say what the worst-case read/write rates would be.

Your 100mb patch requires to unpack a 30GB compressed file, apply the patch, and repack it. Effectively you're download 30GB at whatever the max speed of your disk is for the operation.
Its not the fault of steam rather the fault of devs for putting everything into fucking hueg .pak files instead of just normal fucking files.

Attached: 12512732_1300099640005584_2165291023762229669_n.jpg (720x796, 48.86K)