What are the chances of this being any good?

what are the chances of this being any good?

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extremely low, expect another outer worlds

mods will fix it though

Todd said Morrowind was his favorite Elder Scrolls game, so there’s a chance

It's guaranteed to be a masterpiece.

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Fallout 4 was better than the Outer Worlds in every way, even the parts that don’t make sense.

It will be as good as Fallout 4.

>"Sixteen times the chances of Fallout 76".

Sixteen times zero.

In inverse proportion to the amount of pronouns.

It will be the best wrpg released in the last five years, but that isn't saying

Well considering none of the developer diaries have mentioned anything that hasn't been in every RPG since the 90s, I'm assuming it will be very bland. I'm guessing Outer Worlds, with Fallout 4 writing and space travel akin to No Man's Sky for some added flavor. Normies will love it as usual

It will be better than Fallout 4

like 30%
All I hope for is that unlike skyrim the quests and plot arent dogshit, because that's the one thing mods cant ever fix

It all depends on the engine, FO4 felt good for the most part but still retained a bit of bull shit clunkiness. The default keyboards were terrible especially for the menus.

So uh it'll probably be bad.

assuming it's just a more refined Fallout 4, without an established IP to fuck up it can't be THAT bad

Trust in Todd


Honestly? Like 90%. Only way they fuck this up is if the open world sucks which is possible since it's gonna be like 10 small open worlds as opposed one big one.

With Microsoft breathing down their neck? Pretty low.


0% Elden Ring has raised the bar for what is considered a good open world game. If Bethesda is smart they’ll take a another year and make it somewhat serviceable.

Todd has never released a bad game.

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its just gonna be trash I can tell already

Nice cope. By the time Starfield is out the honeymoon phase will be over and people will remember why nobody still hasn't surpassed Skyrim 11 years later.

>0% Elden Ring has raised the bar for what is considered a good open world game
An empty mess that wastes your time in between killing shit and finding copypaste dungeons? Pretty standard really.

Show me five minutes of real gameplay and i'll let you know.