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Tom and Mark.

Myrmidon and zanzibart before the great betrayal

Mystery niggas

Chuck and Sneed

The betrayal happens pr-Myrmidion's journey west, this is when he sets sale with Cyrius.

What's this island north of Gelmir?

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don't let them in

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> I turned myself into a boat Myrmidon!!!
> I'm Zanziboat!!!!

Zoro and Monkey D Luffy.

The Science(tm)

He's made o' rubber! (How did that happen?)

I'm still not buying your glorified borderlands DLC

Turns out it was a Resin Resin fruit instead.

paddler looks like Shazam

Read the Heirloom Trinkets retard.

>map is full of boats
>not a sinle boat or even a port in the game

The Lands Between is supposed to be the Greater Will's walled garden (of Eden) so it makes some sense. Tbh though, boats are cool and I wish there was a big boat level or something like Armada from The Scar.

they must be fucking huge, they're the size of that church

>game is literally dark souls 2 2.0
>no fucking no man's wharf level