Elden Ring

You rushed.

You used all the broken weapons, spells and summons.

What you did is tantamount to going to an expensive restaurant. Ordering a delicious, gorgeous steak. And devouring it with a single bite.

You did not take the time to chew your steak. You did not savour it's taste.

It took the great chefs, Miyazaki and GRRM, years of hard work to cook that steak.

And you ate it all in one bite...

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If you used a fork and knife, you didn't really eat the steak.

If you didn't kill the cow with your bare hands, you didn't really eat the steak

If you used your teeth, you didn't really eat the steak.

>Going to a restaurant
>Paying others to cook for you
Didn't eat the steak

If you digested it, you didn't really eat the steak

I haven’t even played the game


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then you didn't really eat the steak

>What you did is tantamount to going to an expensive restaurant. Ordering a delicious, gorgeous steak. And devouring it with a single bite.
Actually, I ordered a burger because I didn't even want to go out tonight and thought it was worse than the shitty take out burger I can get from the shop called literally just TAKEAWAY down the road from me.

I'm still not done, but even if I "rushed", I still had fun. Seethe, Shazamtranny

Shit pasta.

when I go to expensive restaurants I ask for bread as well as some nice side cheese and then place the high class expensive steak on two pieces of bread, slather it in cheese and eat it like a sandwich. Part of the experience and delight is the disgust in the eyes of my fellow customers and waiters, and undoubtedly the chef who will later heard what I did to his creation.

Not pasta.
I wrote it myself.

You didn't really write the pasta

Based. You should bring a ketchup and salt packet next time.

I'm still taking my sweet ass time. Been playing since launch, level 100, 3 major bosses killed. Still tons of surprises to be had.
I caved and browsed Any Forums and shit, so I was hit with a few spoilers here and there, but I'm still savoring this meal.

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If you used a food analogy, you didn't really win the argument.

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I had 150 hours at the end of my first run, a good 100 of which was just spent on exploring, trying to figure out quests, and reading item descriptions for lore on the cool enemies I just killed
Captcha: M0NST

Yeah, I was fucking hungry, so what

I’m 60 hours in and just beaten Liurnia.

I’m FTH/STR so literally bottom of the barrel tier in terms of power lol

And now you will starve again while everyone else is savoring their Elden Steak.

This is the third fucking time you've made this thread in 24hrs. Don't you have some Isaac DLC or something to work on Edmund?

>Elden Steak
it's probably expired

I did, I'm on my 7th character now. I now know how to cheese the game so bad that I don't really need to level or upgrade my stuff anymore.

Last play through I defeated maliketh at RL30, no weapon upgrade and no summons.

I can probably go lower, Soon I'll attempt the ultimate challenge a no upgrade RL1 run. Then I will be able to say that I did beat the game.

>food analogies
I didn't even finish the game yet.

I was actually carefully exploring the game. I didn't even use fast travel for like first 10 hours (i used it after i got teleported to the capital by a random fucking chest in Weeping Peninsula, no way i could make my way back) but by the time you reach post-Capital areas, game turns tiresome.

Snow lands are easily the worst fucking areasin the game. What the fuck were they thinking? Especially since DS1 and DS3 did them so fucking well.

Ive played 100 hours and I'm only at Divine Tower of Caelid