So what the fuck do I do as a melee build again?

so what the fuck do I do as a melee build again?
>roll through the arc slashes
>outrun the falling stars
>no idea how to survive the circle shit that always hits me no matter if i jump or roll
>by the time i get to it to deal some damage it dives away and start all over
i can literally streamroll through Radagon like nothing now but this shit sucks so hard, there's no way for me to reach it unless it's stupid RNG ai decides to resurface close to me

Attached: Elden-Ring-2022.03.04- (1024x576, 86.99K)

roll through arcs, roll through sword swings, run behind him for fire, run to the left of the purple stars, run away from falling stars, don't know what to do about the orb that follows you but i just run away, literally just exit the circle asap

elden beast is easier on melee, because you can smack it faster than casting shit. also its weak to physical attack. just git gut instead of crying

They should have let you summon Torrent for the second phase. I want to finish the game with my horse.

I cheesed the boss with two colossal hammers
I broke his poise during that fire breath attack he does at the start, he was half hp by the time he did his first dive
I got lucky and he ended him just animation locking himself multiple times lmao

Such a shit fight that's inexorably linked to arguably my favorite fight in the game.

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i was hoping it's like DS2 where you can start right with elden beast, nope have to fight Radagon over and over, at least the fight itself is kino

That would've turned the fight from garbage to kino so fast

hopefully they patch out elden beast and give us the radagon phase 2 we deserve

you pray for a chance to hit this shit boss cause he swims 99% of the time.

also, pray for no corona spam ball.

Just walk out of the circle and it won't hit you. Roll over the inner circle that moves. But yes this fight was fucking gay as melee as for most of the fight you are just trying to catch the thing

I think just adding a checkpoint after Radagon so he's not spoiled by repeating it for EB would be good. Let us hit the grace then have an interact prompt to move on to EB.

I almost beat it with melee

for the circle shit, you can jump the shrinking circle and then outrun the perimeter before the blast, I did it once, it may be easier to just run all the way and not get slowed down

I hate the homing yellow shit it does, I just have to be lucky at running in the right direction to not be hit as much

the fast homing yellow darts from above are easy to outrun though

this boss has poise?

shameless miyazooki
first he makes a film with this thing in it, then he puts it in his game

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>>no idea how to survive the circle shit that always hits me no matter if i jump or roll
Jump over each glowing circle. Its real easy, I've never got hit by it once I figured out to jump.

Radagon is too weak. He could be a good boss but because he's stuck as a phase one to elden shitlord he can't be strong. He doesn't hit hard and he has fuck all health. He's piss easy and an unmemorable boss because of it.


run up to him and whack him, retard

This. I wonder how OP beat Maliketh if can’t even run up to the Elden beast.

This. They robbed us of one of the best bosses just so Mizayaki could have his big alien twist AGAIN

they should've give it 2 huge flopping boobas

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>muh human sized boss

Fuck off. We had those in all other games, except BB if done the real ending.

>muh it's actually not what you expected and it's a weird alien boss
fuck off, we had that in bb

This should have been it
except you summon torrent as a cooperator

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