Well, Any Forums?

well, Any Forums?

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=1/3 if you reached university

=16 if you have an underdeveloped frontal lobe and didn't even enter stem

good morning sir

All amerisharts are wrong itt


It's 12.
All europoors are wrong itt.

it's .3333 when you use dindos

omg, is that...a girl? And she's a scientist??? That must mean the is autistic like me!! Surely I have a chance...

I don't believe in math

You might want a refund on that $60,000 piece of paper, retardo.

user pls. Reread it

0.3 repeating
parentheses do not alter any order of priority outside their borders

5(6) is a single term and should be treated as one, anyone who thinks otherwise probably thinks the monty hall problem is a 50% chance whether you switch or not

Didn't open the pic, post more Kurisu

>5(6) is a single term and should be treated as one
Once there is no function within the parentheses it ceases to exist as a parenthetical

Do you prioritize multiplication over division?
Then it's 1/3.
Do you treat division and multiplication with equal priority?
Then it's 12.


that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard
please provide a source to back up your claim

dindos nigga

Assuming we're going by the rule of parenthesis first, as well as division and multiplication from left to right, the correct answer would be 10 / 5 * 8 = 16. You just have to clarify the order.

I did it like
How the fuck are you getting 12 and 16? I've been a NEET since 2015 and always been terrible at math I'm so fucking stupid, what did I do wrong?

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americans cant into shemdos

Say no more, senpai.

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>uhmm actually by using baynesian inference, it's not 50% okay chu- ACK

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(4+2) = 6
10 / 5 = 2
6 x 2 = 12


I don't know what E means


video games