Confess to girl

>confess to girl
>get rejected :"You're too good for me, you deserve someone better"
Vidiagames for this feel?

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lol shes fucking chad

games that lie and manipulate you? hmmm
sounds like all f2p games and all gachas
p much any microtransactional model yep thats about it

This is one of the worst threads I have ever seen.

Elden Ring!

Why are you fags so obsessed with cucking

The biggest lie ever told kek. Its ok OP, eventually you will be me and give negative fucks about women and love. Actively seeking only leads to ruin

You're gonna end up gay, that's worse

Souls-Like anything because SHE needs to git gud but so do you.

Fuck no.

>Slam pig lower body
>skinny upper body
Only kind of fat women I would ever consider, desu. I think pot bellies can be cute, but normally women with them have no self control and ruin themselves.

>Actively seeking only leads to ruin

kek yeah if youre a fucking loser. i hate sharing this board with r9k.

>You're not good enough for me

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this one was mine, felt bad

That's not what cucking means you moron

>You're too good for me, you deserve someone better
I had a Any Forums girl tell me this once, why would they say that

I had this happen kinda. She said she was trash. But I went along with it anyways. We then dated for 6 months. And guess what? She was trash. But at least she was hot.

>"You're too good for me, you deserve someone better"
Damn, she didn't even give you enough thought to give you a more original line. She pulled out the oldest and laziest one she had.

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shut up and sauce me man

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Think of it this way OP, better than dating or even marrying someone and having them tell you this at the breakup kek

and then you woke up

>confess to girl
>she doesnt even acknowledge it
>moves away a month later

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Not OP, but the image looks like it's from Bamboo-ale.

The absolute worst subhuman

had a big crush on an r9k girl and she pulled this on me a couple of years ago

>girl at work starts dropping hints that she likes me little by little
>I’m literally autistic and don’t know how to reply in social situations
>one day she leans into my back and tells me to hold her
>gets realllyyy close to me in my personal space
>another day tells me she got a Brazilian wax done and she loves the results and wanted to let me know
>stops after a month of doing this

Normiefriends I need your help, what did she want? Also how was I supposed to act or reply? Like when she told me to hold her I just kind of out my hands on her hips but I was like uhhhh.

White girls do this cuz they dont want no skinny ahh yt boy, they wanna black guy with a bbc lmao

Thats code for im not attracted to you
Pick yourself up and try again with another woman
Also lift weights

>Never seen, heard, or experienced any indications in my 25 years of life of a woman even being slightly attracted to me
Games for this feel?

Dios mi el goblino.....

You took too long so she got bored and decided to fuck a bbc black man instead lol dumb ass yt boy

>what did she want?
Nobody knows. Probably not even she knew what she wanted. Next time you ask her instead of us

>Coworkers use me as a point of comparison with an interviewee
>"He's as weird as user but in a different way, user just never talks"

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Has anyone had this happen to them.but actually be truth

Lol u coworker sound like she like them black boys

>hey user why are you so quiet?
why do they ask this everytime, I answer all of their questions and have full conversations with them yet I apparently don't talk enough, what the fuck do these people want?

vampire the masquerade bloodlines, and play as nosferatu

who are you trying to convince, homo?

Utawareramano had it happened but the "someone better" is you.

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