Do modern console users truly own their games?

Do modern console users truly own their games?

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Why do you even care
Just dont get banned

what could have happened during a hardware repair to result in a software ban?


Do you truly own your life when i can just kill you?

Just don't get your loicense revoked bro, also that'll be a yearly full price fee stating in 20XX.

I've seen this shit before.

'Repair' is just the polite message, nice try jailbreak faggoteer.

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Consumers should have the right to modify and repair anything they buy, change my mind

seeing as this only prevents someone from using xbox live and not just playing offline games, yes.

You know that European bill that assigned costumers the right to keep their info private? And then the other one that guaranteed refunds? And how that shit was adopted in every single country (even my third world shithole)? Well I hope soon Europe moves a "right to repair" bill and makes it so you have the right to repair and modify anything you buy in third party shops, because the US is sure as fuck not moving a finger

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Play offline fag

No. Can't even shit talk through PSN anymore or you'll lose your account

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Microsoft is the worst for this shit. Even though sony are rubbish now days, you'd have to be absolutely insane to buy an xbox.

europe is only going to become more and more irrelevant, you'll be dealing with chink standards (or lack of) becoming universal before long

What the fuck is that? Is that real? That's ridiculous.
Sue them.
Doesn't matter what the fuck he was doing unless it was cheating online and even then a complete ban of the console from ever going online again is crazy.

I moved to PC gaming exclusively over 10 years ago because I saw the direction consoles were going, basically just live service boxes that could be remotely bricked and scrubbed if you did anything to offend the true owners of the box (not you, the sap who paid money to store it in your house). Of course there's plenty of "software as a service" cancer in the PC world too, but at least I have options and my machine is my machine.

Europe can't innovate, so they regulate, but as an American I really appreciate them reining in our greedy, rapacious corporations, because our government sure as shit won't. The EU is too big to ignore, it's got a massive population full of paying customers. So no matter how onerous regulation from them becomes, the biggest corporations are always going to bend over backward to comply, just like they do with China's ridiculous requirements so they can access it's gigantic market.

So then the big companies are left with two sets of standards: EU, and everybody else. Only it doesn't stay that way. The EU are basically the beta testers for new regulation. Everybody else waits to see how its implemented there, what works and doesn't work, then the first few copycats start making their own version of it in their jurisdiction. And suddenly the big companies have to start making more standards. So what eventually happens is they decide to simply adopt whatever the strictest standards are and make those global, even in places that have no regulation requiring them.

In effect, the EU is regulating our companies for us.

Even on PC things are slowly moving into the same direction. Microsoft made Intel and AMD include their gay Pluton chip which basically brings the same kind of hardware DRM as on Xbox to PC. It includes hardware attestation features, encrypted RAM, always-on botnet connection, etc. Of course, you can disable it like you can disable secure boot, but then games won't even start. There is this at least one MMO already doing this on W11 (even though it works fine on W10).

>Europe can't innovate
germany sure does keep coming up with new and exciting ways to fuck europe over though

Name one invention that didn't originate in Europe or from a European.

No, this hasn't been the case for close to a decade now. The day 1 patches are almost mandatory.

But you know, when you want to play a PS2 game how often do you do that on a real PS2 really? Especially with legit copies? My PS2 disc laser died years ago, I just load isos off the hard drive.

You're games won't be lost, the hacking community will preserve them.

>probably uses gamepass
Yeah you don't even own your console retard

This is some tinfoil wrapped bullshit. Go back to Any Forums and discuss the moon landing or 9/11. Just dont leave your containment board anymore.

Technically no one does in this age. Be it digital or physical, PS4, PS5, Series X, PC, whatever you buy it for when you agree to a bunch of shit when you get that system or update the game you're leagally agreeing that the game can be blocked/removed/disabled/whatever for whatever reason they wish to use. If you truly want to own your games, you pirate. There is no other option.