Mirror's Edge: Catalyst

Yeah, I'm thinking underrated. The story may have had some rough edges, but the art direction, music, acting, and worldbuilding were all 10/10. The gameplay is insanely engaging, probably some of the most fun I've ever had in singleplayer by itself.

Attached: 2251912851.jpg (1920x1080, 713.89K)

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I want Faith to step on me


>ruins pacing just for you to collects the 9284745th chip to unlock 0.03% of the world
Hell no, fuck this game halting my sprint spree for those shits.

what do you mean, the control chips are optional collectibles

The first game is as amazing as it is mediocre and the second game is as stellar as it is awful. I largely enjoyed both but this franchise just makes me sad, for the most part. Maybe someday there will be a real Mirror's Edge game.

mirror's edge is massively undercut by EA's hatred of singleplayer games. We're extremely lucky they even exist at all

I suppose so. It's easier to enjoy them when you realize you're merely playing a long and expensive demo, at least.

The potential are there, im really willing to play a sequel to this franchise, the open world could be improved with more variety both visually and gameplay wise

Why has no game before or since managed to top Mirror's Edge art direction, Any Forums?

Attached: Mirror's Edge.png (2560x1440, 3.91M)

with DICE in total shambles may they'll return to their roots, but it's more likely they'll just double down until EA sells them off

Mirror's Edge was clearly a passion project while other games are financially motivated

The amazing thing is how great the games manage to look with practically no effort at all. Just minimalist, futuristic architecture with a splash of color here-and-there, and that's all it takes. Really goes to show just how uninspired and dull the people in charge of the industry are.

The lighting engine also helps

Now that Battlefield has lost all good faith, will DICE go back to their other IPs?

I would hope but all the talent at DICE has clearly flown the coop. Don't expect anything good from them until either an industry collapse or being sold from EA

Why should EA sell them? Just because battlefield 2042 was shit?

Do you really want the newfag devs making another mirrors edge game? It's going to be full of niggers with atrocious gameplay and microtransactions

because they've clearly squeezed every drop of blood out of them they can. i don't see a recovery from bf2042 imo, and EA is at direct fault for it demanding muh operators, muh live service, muh twitch-friendliness

this, you better hope they never make another one and ruin the legacy of the first two games. DICE is done

I mean EA seems that he has learned the lesson with star wars fallen order that doesn't have any micro transaction

that was Respawn, yes EA but much better than DICE

I think it's just that the team at DICE has changed drastically, has usual with long running game studios, my only hope is that they hire some new talent that are really willing to work on another mirror's edge for example