... Yes, I was in the chess club

>... Yes, I was in the chess club

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you know you're a hack if you have to mention being in a fucking chess club in a video game interview lmfao so insecure and low-skilled

Wasn't it confirmed that he was never in the chess club? Was he the original nerd culture poser?

he was in the chess club, just not the at time he was talking about.

Reminder that Starfield will NOT have ladders because “they’re too hard to animate” and that it will be POZZED to hell and back

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It had pretty good comedic timing
Thank god for crowbcat videos

todd is likeable. i'll say that

who cares about being a hack when you're worth a hundred mill


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wtf are you talking about

are you retarded or just dyslexic?

let me guess, you live in the third world (including usa)?

>Bethesda hates animations
Ya that explains it jfc
They're a pain to make in the cc as well

I appreciate this screenshot. Will never be buying another Bethesda game if they include the woke bullshit. Cyberpunk also did this.

it's pandering to trannies, does that sound better?

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>TFW you will never play chess with late 90s Todd
Why Live?

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He's so white and nerdy

is that supposed to be an insult lol

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Why the fuck does anyone go by "they"? Seriously
Why do "non binary" people need all this representation that requires VAs to record extra lines for everything when they make up like 0.001% of the population?

You do realize there was gay marriage in Skyrim already, eleven years ago, right?

It literally says Starfield will have ladders and will play a animation when using them

>thinking playing chess is a flex
have sex, sounds like you need it

Tod can you explain me why was fallout 4 such trash? You can do better than this.

Because being woke gives you woke points that makes you look more valuable to investors.
I'm not even joking, it's the S part of an ESG score that they look at before deciding where to place their money.

literally yes. who cares about having the respect of some Any Forums faggots when you have a over a hundred million dollars in the bank

If you don’t want to call a he a She, They will be you go to word at work if you don’t want to get fired (for no good reason).

pretty sure that was a bug that they never fixed because why would they fix bugs

wasnt notch asking around on Any Forums about critique and opinions when he was developing minecraft?

Attached: 1636113266060.jpg (1092x556, 95.03K)

Any Forums was literally his playtesting area, together with FP and whatever other fagforums were around

Try being less of a zoomer.

"Starfield has sixteen times the pronouns".