Take the Aqua pill user

Take the Aqua pill user.
Don't you want to be happy?

Attached: aqua pill.png (1336x1898, 1.45M)


I already took Yunyun

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I cant believe she has even a single fan. what do you like about her? asking out of genuine curiosity and not to shit on you btw

some people are attracted to insecure girls with low self-esteem.

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Is the mobile game worth playing?


Aqua is a useless retard. Darkness is infinitely better.

That show is shit and aqua is too.

You can't post this

sry wont happen again

my virgin eyes have already been desecrated. take responsibility now.

open your eyes

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do it. I'm ready. ready to leave this hellscape and be reborn in a beautiful yet challenging isekai world.

will you simp for aqua if you get isekai'd?

Attached: Muh Goddess.jpg (800x1000, 245.91K)

Only if she becomes fat

I consider myself more of an Eris man

Will she have a cock and balls?

Will you really say these dumb things to her and blow your only chance to be isekai'd?
think this through.

Attached: Konachan.com - 234657 aqua_eyes aqua_hair aqua_(konosuba) ass bow dress kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo! long_hair mari_(rubymaririn) signed thighhighs water.jpg (1600x1000, 1.1M)

Okay, how about Aqua having a hairy vagina?
Would that be fine?

gee fine I guess if she forced me to lick her feet in order to be isekai'd I could probably force myself to do it

they're all useless retards and that's a good thing

Kind personality, nice body. What more could you want.


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>Aqua having a hairy vagina
Sounds good
>Get isekai'd and will never be able to experience Forgotten Land nor Silk Song nor Terraria 2
Well that sucks but I guess it's still worth it