Which one should I play? Haven't played an AC game since Black Flag

Which one should I play? Haven't played an AC game since Black Flag.

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whichever setting you like most

Origin is, by far, the best of these three.

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Origins is the only one I played, the other didnt feel anything like AC to me so I never touched them

Also, I liked the protagonist, he feels like a real bro, and he made me care for his story, but his wife is annoying.

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i only played origins and odyssey.
Origins had the best story and the best exploration.
Odyssey feels like a singleplayer mmorpg. Too many things todo, repetitive. You can enjoy it if forget the fact that it is supposed to be a game about assassins.

Bayek is a bro, I liked him a lot

wait for the new one that will come out late this year (or early next year). it will be a real assassin's creed experience worth playing. unlike the games you posted

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Origins is by far the best

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Are you interested in assassin gameplay, or historical accuracy? if either, then neither.

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This so hard. Bayek was a cool dude but i hated how much his wife got wanked off.

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Gay sex and strong women won't fly in that setting, might be good.

They're all cheap witcher clones so it doesn't really matter. If you must play ass creed then the only defining feature that changes from game to game is the setting.

I honestly liked all three, but Valhalla the most. Origins suffered from the fact, that a lot of the game still felt like the old, shitty, overplayed AC games, just with an open world spin. Odyssey and Valhalla dropped that completely and it's for the best.
Itemization, upgrades, combat was the best in Valhalla in my opinion, I had a lot of fun clearing the entire map of the markers, each region had a very clear storyline, and Eivor, even if a bit bland at times, serves as a good protagonist because of it.

>cheap witcher clones
all 3 look and play better than witcher

Imagine them going woke in there of all places, then end up getting bombs in the mail from every Iman in the world, absolutely kino

Origins is an open world Assassin's Creed game, i.e. stealth parkour is the only gimmick but its more open-ended in how you tackle things, a bit like Black Flag but without ship combat

Odyssey is an open-world RPG that lets you play pretty much however you want. A lot of people call it a Witcher clone. Imagine if Skyrim had good gameplay and was also a Xena Warrior Princess simulator. Stealth is useful, but almost purely optional. It's also an extremely lengthy game, with an incredibly long main quest and a glut of side quests, much like Skyrim, but without the endless copy pasted shitty dungeons. Somehow, the ship combat is actually better than Black Flag.

Valhalla is much like Odyssey, but reintroduces mandatory stealth sections, but the stealth system is buggy crap so its really fucking tedious. While it has similar RPG/quest elements to Odyssey, there's really not very much ability to do what you want, and you're often railroaded into incredibly stupid situations that an idiot could have seen coming a mile away, and you're not really allowed to take sides with one faction or another because of the "le epic vikings xd" schtick. The combat is pretty fun though.

All three games have some of the most beautiful open worlds in gaming.

Oldfags remember that the now common "This game was created by a diverse team of people with different views etc." originated with AC1 because they didn't want Muslims to kill them.

did they get death threats because of prince of persia?

>but without the endless copy pasted shitty dungeons. Somehow, the ship combat is actually better than Black Flag.
Are you taking the piss? Tombs are literally copy pasted snake dungeons. Land caves are nearly all copy pasted. The underwater caves all have the same two sharks outside of them but the interiors are different at least.

The ship combat is worse than Origins because Origins had access to the cannons which made ship battles not so tedious. Everything is also a complete tank in Odyssey and you have to wait for everything to get off cooldown if you want to deal any damage while bracing all the time and it only gets worse as you go up the levels because even with a maxed out Adrestia with some of the best captains you do piss all damage on anything that's not the lowest level ships unless you're spamming fire spears. The damn thing is weaker than the Experto Crede which itself was the weakest of the three Caribbean ships.

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Are the three games connected with Ezio games, etc?

What, like meeting Ezio directly? No. If you mean by continuing the modern day story, yes. You can get his outfit in Odyssey, I can't remember if Origins had it (I think it did), Valhalla you can't but you can get other legacy Assassin outfits.

I recommend none of them. The gameplay in these games is fucking awful, nothing AC about it and stealth was completely ruined. Origins' story seemed like the only one assassin related as well. I never finished it, but the other two are just straight up unrelated mythology shit so it's not a hard bar to clear.

Ghost of Tsushima

Holy based. /thread

Unity without hud
Ultra settings
Movement depends on your camera angle, it's the best one if you learn how to do it.
And it still looks beautiful

That really is the best Assassin's Creed game since Black Flag.

Rogue is good and Unity is not that bad

The difference between Skyrim and Odyssey's cave and tomb dungeons is that Skyrim has about 200 and Odyssey has about 9

Origins has the best story with the best pacing and main character, but with little room for role playing and no player agency (ie. choices). It's still a historical game first and foremost and the one that resembles the earlier AC games the most.

Odyssey lets you choose what kind of a character you're playing (merc, Greek demigod or assassin, whether they're in it for the money or family, etc.) and lets you sail a boat. The world looks better but is also more arcadey and bloated. It has more replay value and funner combat but worse story and less historical accuracy. Odyssey is an epic game.

Valhalla is like Odyssey but essentially worse in every regard, though the limited character customization is nice. Valhalla is a shit game.

what you thought you said
>The damn thing is weaker than the Experto Crede which itself was the weakest of the three Caribbean ships.
what you actually said
>I didn't upgrade the ship
because once you've upgraded Adrestia halfway she shits on the max level boss enemy ships

Odyssey as Alexios, the underlying mechanics on Odyssey are arguably better than Origins but you might get filtered out. Besides only black people like deserts and ancient greece is just that more beautiful a place to lose yourself in.

Are actual stealth kills still gimped in Valhalla (killing at least non-bosses with one hit)? In Odyssey it is very hard to achieve this, unless you invest everything on critical and with high-end gear. The thing that broke my immersion the most regarding the assassin aspect, was the difficulty in killing in one hit using stealth.

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Odyssey has 22 tombs in the base game and like another five or six in the DLC and added side content with the crossover one being the only unique one.
Odyssey has 66 separate caves in the base game alone and a lot of them are structured pretty much the same.
This is also ignoring sanctuaries which are basically copy pasted with them very rarely having a second floor but nearly always having the same soldier layout.

>I didn't upgrade the ship
I had it maxed out since I was level 50, here's a screenshot of when I got the flamethrower in the DLC since it's the only one I have on hand without having to boot it up. It's a piece of shit and takes minutes to take out the highest tier ship if there's anything else around which there always is.

You can turn on instant assassinations as soon as you start the game.

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You need to understand that the Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla games are different than AC1/2/3/4/Unity games. That being said, pick whatever time period you like most. I love the Greek period the most so naturally Odyssey appeals most to me.