
Looks fun, but with Illfonics track record I'm sure they'll fuck it up.

Attached: ghostbusters-spirits-unleashed-preview.jpg (3000x1500, 400.78K)

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meh. sick of them trying to force ghostbusters. i'm over 80s nostalgia pandering, have been for a decade now.

Does it count as nostalgia pandering when it's been an active franchise even up to this day?

>Whole franchise is about catching spooky ghosts and horrifying paranormal entities
>It devolves into catching bland inoffensive casper look-a-likes
God I miss when this franchise had the balls to show ghosts that looked actually terrifying and original. I always thought of ghostbusters as a sort of way to frame ghost stories and paranormal horror tropes in a more comedic and scientific way, kind of like the SCP foundation (when it was actually good). Now it's just flanderized garbage where they go after the 63473th copy of slimer.

Attached: libraryghost.jpg (1400x700, 124.06K)

>Friday the 13th/Predator: Hunting Grounds developer makes another shitty asymmetrical multiplayer game
No thanks.

When it hasn't been good since the 80s, yes.

Pretty valid point. People forget that Ghostbusters was made as more of a horror movie with funny elements, and instead it's now mostly remembered for being funny.

they should update the theme song this boomer shit doesn't cut anymore

Here you go.


Attached: ghostbusters_afterlife_social__1_.jpg (1400x1400, 116.84K)

I prefer this


Looks awesome.

Hopefully it's better than that fucking Predator game.

this company always has good ideas for multiplayer games but they are always a hot mess when they actually release them


>Ghostbusters 2016 ignored
Why does misogyny keep winning?

that movie just sucked no matter which way you look at it, that's why it's ignored. literally the only people who claimed to like it were those who were "liking" it to prove some sort of point.

Goddamn, I'm such a fucking simp for Ghostbusters. This shit will suck, but I'll still buy it and play the fuck out of it.

Attached: Ecto-1.jpg (1280x853, 350.61K)

This game is DOA.

FPS and not TPS.
Online team only.
Shitty cartoon looking grafics

>Online team only.
False. Offline AI mode is confirmed.

Why would third person be better?