Holy shit Lego Star Wars looks like it's going to be as good as Hogwarts Legacy, 2022 gaming is fucking saved bros...

holy shit Lego Star Wars looks like it's going to be as good as Hogwarts Legacy, 2022 gaming is fucking saved bros, i cannot believe it, Good Games For The First Time in Years!!!

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it looks boring

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I get that these games are mechanically enjoyable but I don’t have any fondness for LEGO or most of the properties they make games for so I will always consider them to be for retards


the gameplay and the atmosphere is out of this world though, did you see the leak? the main menu with the dioramas of each movie?! i cannot stop gushing over how much attention to detail they crammed in, jesus christ my dude

Clearly you just hate gaming, sorry you can't enjoy real games and want to play gacha shit or f2p retard shit, or it's artifically difficult and therefore fun (it's not) shit

The game looks great, but it doesn't have online coop, so it's a miss for me. I only wanted to play it with my bro, it would have been fun as hell going through it together.

>Clearly you just hate gaming
i like GOOD GAMES, if you want to play every cheap frill then go for it, nigger, but this is one of those games that comes along practically never and imbues the industry with memorable experiences

invite him the fuck over and make a pizza, down a few brewski

We live apart and he works away, barely see one another so online games is how we catch up etc.

i cant enjoy star wars anymore. regardless of what form it comes in.

I'm curious to see all the troons come out of the woods to trash talk the UI and UX. They will, won't they?

what the fuck are you talking about

Attached: Elden-Ring-Ubisoft-and-Sony-developers-criticize-the-user-experience.jpg (535x412, 33.76K)

what the fuck does this have to do with LEGO?? and none of them are even transgender?

Rats bite on anything successful.
>and none of them are even transgender?
Oh, you're just a newfag. Gtfo.

you're the one posting twitter screencaps and using neologisms yet you call me the newfig...

>people got all those 3000 series cards when GOTY runs on a toaster

When will it leak online? I want to play this shit already. I'm even ready to start data mining it if someone can dump it.

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You can kill stormtroopers in two hits via headshots. There are also blaster upgrades you can get. You don't have to take cover, you can go in guns blazing if you want. You can beat the shit out of them if you want.
There are many different approaches you can take with enemy encounters in this game.

I played lego star wars 2 on the ps2. Has the series improved much since then?

Very much so