What game has the most organic tutorial?

what game has the most organic tutorial?

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Fallout 2

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

I have never gotten past the first act of HL2 because I always start throwing shit at the soldiers and running away like a 10 year old, and eventually close the game because turns out the game is a super serious gay ass shooter with aliens.

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super mario brothers

If you acknowledge the existence of the tutorial then it's already failed to be organic.

okay then

>locked in a room/area until some NPC moves out of the way or opens a door
Half Life 2 in a nutshell

some of them are pretty good if it's deliberate but optional

games like Megaman and SMB come to mind
you learn the game by just playing it for 5 minutes

Modern Warfare's tutorial was pretty thorough and fitting


As an esl I had no fucking idea what he was saying, I don’t think I even saw him push the can over. I was stuck there until I got him to chase me and ran past him.

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Mega Man X

Pick up the can.

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

The Elder's Scrolls Legends.
I bet you faggots don't even know this game

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virtual card games are for homos

>haha get it? this one's shit but ON PURPOSE!
>hope the joke doesn't get old long before you're done, that would mean you have to deal with both the kind of garbage tutorial the game is mocking AND an unfunny, annoying reddit tier joke at the same time

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