New sale!

new sale!

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Huh. Makes you think...

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Not really

What the hell am I gonna do with 123 games I'll never play? Or however many non-games and shovelware are in the pack.

i can pirate all of those, I can't buy it due to sanctilns

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no it doesnt lol
most of those arent even topics

if anyone wants some free games from this bundle then check out my thread

Thanks steam, now i know which games to pirate :)

>t. russian cuck
enjoy your ravaged economy :)

*laughs at state department shill in mandarin*

based women enjoying their lives vs cringe male autists

Dude at least make sense in your teeny insults.
I know it's a shock based red pilled Pudin turned into a mongoian midget version of a Napoleon LARPer but we all have to face reality.

Хoхлoбpoc, кaкoвo чyвcтвoвaть ceбя CHГ вepcиeй блм?

>Russian cannot formulate a joke
Go back to drinking yourself into oblivion in your hellscape country

Eh, i glanced at the paper, it really isnt that interesting. The conclusion if anyone cares
>In a large study of gender and language, we found that men and women use language differently, with the greatest difference being in the degree of interpersonal warmth. The language most characteristic of self-identified females was warmer, friendlier, and focused on people, whereas self-identified males’ most characteristic language was more socially distant, disagreeable, and focused on objects. Contrary to expectations, women used slightly more assertive language than men. We found affiliative and assertive language through established assessments rather than human judgments, the latter of which are more prone to rater-bias. Our approach borrows equally from computational linguistics and psychological theory, and we propose that similar interdisciplinary approaches may be useful for seeing old psychological questions in a new light.

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I hope some % goes to buy ukries more nlaws

russiabros... it's over

>more Any Forums bait

Already bought. It's objectively a good deal not speaking of supporting charity

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>The same people that want you to support Ukraine are the same people that despise your existence for going against their world view
S to spit.

>i are retard who cant understand situations change

Yeah, the situation changed from supposedly filthy unvaxxed will bring about the end of the world to russia man bad overnight. I support neither as it is none of my business,