What are some normiecore games?

What are some normiecore games?

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Sports games
FPS/Battle Royale

what said plus
>FotM multiplayer titles like Apex

Chrono Trigger
Just 1 of the castlevanias
New vegas
Elden soulsbornekiro
Guilty gear for fgc
Touhou for smhups
Kid icarus uprising
Monster hunter after 3U

>Touhou for smhups
>Kid icarus uprising

Touhou is literally entry tier at best
Only ""played"" by coomers and normies

Animal Crossing


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I think it's depend on each country and the average economic on said country, in developing country you will have Mobile Legends, PUBG, Free-Fire. While on developed country you will have Fortnite, Valorant, CoD

Stop saying Elden ring is "normie", it's the most challenging and thought provoking game we got in the last few decades, normiea can't handle that

Also stop comparing it to a Japanese PNG collector, fuck

>t. cave shmup wanker
enjoy endless streaming cave cuck

Png collector? Japanese?

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>Elden Ring
>the most challenging and thought provoking game we got in the last few decades

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elden shit is the ed sheeran of games.
a friend obsessed with it wants to get me into it, and showed me a lot of gameplay yesterday, including some PvP
>dude, its just people rolling around each other like complete fucking retards. Is that it? is that the whole game?
>dont be an asshole, its a lot more deeper than that!
>then why the fuck am i exclusively only seeing people roll around in this game?
>oh fuck off, this is the game of the decade, get over it

Like Limp Bizkit once said:
>keep rolling rolling rolling
>keep rolling rolling rolling

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Call of Duty /
Battlefield /
Gaylo /
Sportsball /

>guilty gear for FGC
This is the most retarded take, it’s like the 6th most popular franchise in a niche genre. How can one Sumatran Skincare forum be so out of touch

Didn't it got nerfed because of normies complaining of the difficulty?

That’s a meme I haven’t heard in a while

>FotM multiplayer titles like Apex
how did they fit 11 seasons in 1 month?

what games do you play?

>Stop saying Elden ring is "normie", it's the most challenging and thought provoking game we got in the last few decades

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>the most challenging and thought provoking game we got in the last few decades
Yeah, too bad you can just cheese everything without encountering "challenging" parts of game at all

Elden Ring is for normie gamers. Only casuals would avoid it.

Fuck this gay ass thread, weebs like you can't handle god tier game design so you have to shitpost
Elden ring sold more than whatever garbage you support
It will win all the GOTY awards
Keep crying bye

literally anything that isnt a story-less, dialogue-less, music-less japanese "press a button to roll simulator".
i dare anybody to show off elden shits gameplay:
>its always motherfuckers rolling around for 20 minutes around a boss, or another player

weak willed faggots being entertained by literally the worst motherfucking game that came out in recent years.

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Kek, I had the same conversation watching my brother play DS3

>So you just like roll all the time and sneak a hit between rolls? This combat system looks more like a rhythm game
>No, you don't understand, it just looks like this, this combat system has unfathomable depth to it

>Elden ring sold more than whatever garbage you support

just like ed sheeran.