

Attached: Lodran.png (1099x622, 1.15M)

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>Zanzibart.... We're home....

It's really cool that you can see the church you fight the gargoyles in from the bottom of Darkroot Garden

Why does everything in DaS 1 feels like its played from inside while ER feels like seeing a constsnt background image?
I never felt like in DaS 1 where i was somewhere and thought "comfy", everything feels like a landscape

I'm not even sure what you're trying to say.

Dark Souls launch was truly a kino time

Hard to explain, ER feels like one of those korean Mmo where you see everything from a distant place, you don't get to appreciate the small inches of the map in detail, Ds1 doesn't.

>lord land
>jap tries saying it: rordran
>lordran it is

Because previous Dark Souls games you're basically in a giant dungeon the whole game.

I guess he feels the backgrounds in ER are drawn on instead of rendered

Attached: DarkSoulsRemastered9.png (1901x1070, 3.95M)

Dark Souls was great. It was the first video game where the levels didn't feel like they were just corridors in a video game. There was a lot of shitty stuff too like boss arenas being cramped (Tauros/Capra Demon) but it was the first game that ever pulled me in the way that it did.
... rambleposting aside, why haven't we gotten any other soundtrack quite like DS1s? I can still remember stuff like Ash Lake, Gargoyles, and Moonlight Butterfly but I can't remember a single track from Elden Ring

Attached: dark souls map.jpg (2414x1715, 1.47M)

Yuka took over as the main composer for DS2,DS3 and Sekiro and she sucks ass.
Motoi Sakuraba did the OST for DS1.

Bloodborne is the other notable Souls soundtrack and Yuka only did a couple tracks for it.

Because dark souls had
>a zoomed in camera, making your character bigger and view closer to the ground
>a character in middle of the screen instead of the bottom side
>rendered and rougher textures
>higher color contrasts and prominent shadow contrast use
>darker color palette (everything in ER unironically looks like a soccer field, grass was darker and greener in Dark souls 1)
>ambiance sound instead of some music look
>more closed spaces

Bloodborne was great but its tracks aren't distinctive quite like DS1's were.
Living Failures is a bop

omen is one of my favorite pieces of music ever


I get exactly what he's trying to say.
You're supposed to get that feeling from the legacy dungeons, but there's not that many of those compared to the entire rest of the game that feel more like how you described. And so far, Stormveil has been my favorite one anyway.

Why was lighing in dark souls so good compared to elden ring?

It's baked into the textures whereas Elden Ring has a realtime (probe based) GI system
It's also easier to art direct lighting when it's not constantly changing due to time of day.

I just got done doing the Andariel DLC for DaS3 for the first time (solo too), Friede was a fun fight but the rest was kinda ass. Now I'm doing TRC and it's even worst, fucking poison swamp with a magic spamming flying dude? And the Demons fight, it's absolutely annoying and not fun

Very good but the point I am trying to make is that DS's OST is so fucking weird that I could hear 10 seconds of any of the songs and know immediately what game it is from

Attached: Hail the Nightmare[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnt2gn1.mp3].webm (422x608, 2.35M)

Also character was slower and heavier, space felt consequential.
In the other hand, i really think they should've added an option to zoom camera and to play with game contrast, lighting, saturation, field depth and sharpness

There is not a sibgle area in-game that makes me feel in a dark forest like darkroot garden did, not even mistwood

>There is not a sibgle area in-game that makes me feel in a dark forest like darkroot garden did, not even mistwood
In ER's defense, there are no dark forests in that game.
Mistwood is a small wooded area with mist/fog

One thing I liked about DS1 more was every boss felt like a big deal. They had entire areas dedicated to them. Now the Shardbearers in ER feel like a big deal but now you got 60 random mooks around the map that I dont' give a fuck about.

Maybe, but most areas trully felt very bland, it was just like filler space or a background map for a fighthing game rather than a place with its own atmosphere

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